
Digestive System Journey

Decent Essays

The digestive system is the process of turning food that we eat into nutrients that the body uses for energy. This system also creates waste that the body needs to eliminate. We are now going to talk about the journey of food through the digestive system to see how everything works together to reserve the nutrients of the food we take in everyday and how the body removes all the remaining substances from our body.
As I enter the mouth, there is already I liquid that the salivary glands have produced because of the scent of my delicious smell. The teeth begin to chop and grind me up into smaller pieces and with the help of the saliva, it breaks down the chemicals that created from , making it easier for them to swallow me. The saliva will help me through my twelve hour thirteen foot journey in the digestive system. The tongue then starts forming me into a small ball like shapes, and once it begins contracting it sends me back into the pharynx, also called the throat, and into the opening of the esophagus. The esophagus is a stretchy like tube that is about 10 inches long that I travel through to get to the opening of the stomach.
Once I reach the stomach, I am accompanied with other processed food. The stomach then used its gastric juices to make us thinner. We are now sitting …show more content…

What remains of us is now being moved into the large intestine through the ileocecal sphincter, which is a valve that separates the small and large intestine and keeps us from going back to where we came from. What is left of us is a mix of waste that the small intestine didn’t need and dead cells of the wall of the gut. The large intestines main job is to remove all the water of our composition and is sent off into the bloodstream. Once the water is removed, bacteria suuround us and produce enzymes that break down our complex carbohydrates that the body could not

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