
Differences Between Science And Non Scientific Disciplines

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The demarcation problem concerns the difficulty in finding a set of criteria to distinguish between science and non-scientific disciplines that also claim to make true statements about the world. Two influential solutions to this problem were proposed by the logical positivists and Karl Popper in the form of verificationism and falsifiability, respectively. In this essay I will elaborate on the demarcation problem and its significance before detailing and critiquing these solutions, arguing that neither solution resolves the demarcation problem.
The demarcation problem is the philosophical problem of determining what types of hypotheses should be considered scientific and what types should be considered pseudoscientific or non-scientific. Demarcating science from pseudo-science is not merely a philosophical issue, however. Science is often taken by society as the authority on truth, and so has a significant bearing on many practical matters such as healthcare, environmental policies, public education, and the use of scientific testimony in the courtroom. With regards to testimony, it is crucial for the rule of law that courts ascertain the truth. The credibility of different types of evidence must be determined correctly, and expert testimony must be based on the best available knowledge. It may be favourable for a litigant to masquerade pseudo-scientific claims as solid science therefore it is vital that courts are able to distinguish between science and pseudo-science.

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