
Difference Between Policing And Public Relations

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Policing and Public Relations

The number of lawsuits against law enforcement has skyrocketed in recent years. It seems as if a traffic stop for speeding could result in an officer using racism as their probable cause. There are law enforcement officers in the world that are racist or doing their job incorrectly, and unfortunately there are an equal or more amounts of citizens that are criticizing and misinterpreting law enforcement every day. It almost seems as if certain citizens have lost sight in the fact law enforcement is there to protect them, and they believe they need to protect themselves from law enforcement. Somewhere along the way, law enforcement has been misinterpreted. There are many different racial situations that have occurred with law enforcement, along with blame between the citizens or officer, and lastly an overall solution for the misunderstanding between citizens and law enforcement officers. …show more content…

A recent situation occurred in Ferguson, Missouri. The police shot and killed an African American male after robbing a local convenient store. The details of to why the police shot the male have been mislead and over exaggerated. The aftermath of the riots and vandalism against the Ferguson police were very harsh. The police officers received multiple death threats and their own lives were at stake. The Washington Post explains the riots and vandalism were the result of citizens not being taken seriously by the police and referred to the Trayvon Martin case where an African American male was shot and killed by a neighborhood watchman. It is possible that if a different officer would have responded to the call the outcome would be different, but a police officer also has to put their life on the line to protect not only the community but also

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