
Diet Pills

Good Essays

Today in America, being thin is the latest fashion statement. Numerous Americans, are impacted by the media and the ads, which is where the ideal of being skinny is coming from. Every day, Americans are affected by the images of thin actresses, actors, and models. Young adults are starting to have lower self-esteem and disapprove of themselves since they can’t resemble those in the media. Most organizations that make diet supplements, target individuals who are powerless and vulnerable. These are people who need to look fit and healthy, yet would prefer not to invest the effort of counting calories and working out. Diet pills are a quick fix to the issues of getting more fit. In the article “The Shocking Secrets Everyone Should Know about Diet …show more content…

Her article is filled with solid words and expressions that makes an extraordinary picture in her readers mind. Beil states that Samone Senevaorabong was 33 years of age, and she was a single parent, who lived in Cleveland. Beil also says that Samone was “trying to stay in shape and drop a few pounds” (Beil). The picture Beil is attempting to send to her readers is the vulnerabilities of these people who take diet pills. Beil is attempting to give the reader a chance to see how diet pills ends up in the hands of desperate people who are trying to get thinner. She is also trying to show how it happens and why it happens. Adding to this, Beil says that the sales representative told Samone that one of the products that contained a stimulant called DMAA was recalled. “Samone wasn’t worried; she assumed there was more to the story (and in fact, a Pentagon investigation couldn’t find direct evidence that DMAA was responsible for those deaths)” (Beil). This statement, demonstrates that she is desperate to get more fit, even in the wake of listening to the harm this dietary supplement has done. The end of the article, she gives the consequences of Samone’s dietary supplement experience. She brings her conclusion back to the introduction’s hook about Samone. Beil comes to a conclusion and says that “At this point, there’s often not enough science to determine why injury occurs or what these ingredients …show more content…

I thought she lost some of her power in the middle of the article, however towards the end, she made a solid argument. Her readers can see that there is an issue in America and it’s not just simply with Samone. Beil did a great job and was completely serious about the issue throughout her article. She starts her conclusion by saying “Samone is done with that kind of gamble. She spends a week and a half in the hospital in 2013, awaiting the results of a biopsy of her liver” (Beil). She puts emotion to the ending that brings seriousness to her readers. This brings her argument to an end about diet

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