
Fed Up Documentary

Decent Essays

In the documentary “Fed Up” presented by Katie Couric and Laurie David they focus on the fabrications presented by the food industry in regards of creating healthier choices for the public. According to the documentary 2 out of 3 Americans are either overweight or obese, and it is surpassing cancer rates (Fed Up, 2014). In order to address the problem health professionals recommend their patients that in order to lose weight they must exercise and eat less. It is a simple solution to a condition that is greatly stigmatized by society. This documentary argues that eating less and exercise will not guarantee weight loss in individuals. Doctors tell their patients that the fewer calories they consume the easier it will be for them to lose weight. However, this statement is not realistic for many people, specifically children. The documentary follows three obese children who are currently facing many adverse health effects due to their weight. They are told that in order to prevent metabolic syndrome they must change their diet completely. The problem is that children can’t control their environment. They are …show more content…

For example, if they were to eat almonds because of the fiber they would feel full longer and cause the blood sugar to decrease. Yet, if they were to consume a soft drink it would be observed faster in the liver causing the blood sugar to rise creating fat cells immediately. The obvious choice would be to eat almonds, but it is more likely that children will prefer a soft drink (Fed Up, 2014). This relates to previous class discussions on the bliss point, in which food industries add the right amount of salt, sugar, and fat to make children crave the food more. It puts children more at risk because not only is it affecting their leptin, and ghrelin levels, it will make it more difficult for children to have the energy to work out and chose healthier food

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