
Diabetes Of Pregnancy Among First Nations Women

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When reviewing the relevance of the article entitled “Diabetes in pregnancy among First Nations women” (Mayan, Oster, & Toth, 2014), it was discovered that important aspects of the study process such as its purpose, research questions, and significance were made very clear to the reader. The purpose of the study was to bring a greater understanding to why diabetes rates among First Nations women were higher than that of non-indigenous women and with that, find more suitable options of prevention and treatment of diabetes among this group (Mayan, Oster, & Toth, 2014, p. 1469). This statement was found to be very significant to nursing/healthcare because it was aimed at gaining a greater qualitative insight into a topic that has received …show more content…

Finally, the significance of the study was made clear and stated that until recently, there has not been a significant focus on First Nations women with diabetes, even though the rates among these women are much higher than those pregnant women who are not indigenous (Mayan, Oster, & Toth, 2014, p. 1469). It is therefore crucial for nursing researchers and other healthcare professionals to work alongside this group of women in order to gather significant qualitative and quantitative factors related to this issue and consequently develop ways in which both groups can improve upon personal health. When reviewing the study’s literature review, it revealed that the authors provided great insight into the various quantitative values related to pregnant First Nations women and diabetes. Readers were able to gain insight into ideas such as fertility/birth rates as well as the substantial rate of those with diabetes among Albertan First Nations (Mayan, Oster, & Toth, 2014. p. 1469). This was a strength of the literature review as it is important to allow readers to develop a better understanding of what the particular issue the study is focusing on and why this issue exists, among other things (Fawcett, 2013). Additionally, as the study focused on the qualitative facts related to pregnant First Nations women and diabetes, the authors attempted to bring other variations of data with similar results

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