
Deviant Lifestyle Theory And Lifestyle Theory

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Lifestyle Theory
Lifestyle theory shows victims’ exposure to their own lifestyle choices. This exposure can lead them to the criminal attacker and situations with their own choices. Examples of such actions are as follows: going out at night alone, living in a bad part of town, associate with known felons, promiscuous, excessive alcohol use, doing drugs, going down a dark alley, etc. Crimes taken place are not random, but a part of the lifestyle choices the victim has portrayed. This impulsive behavior or low self-control comes at a high risk for victimization. (2006) This style of life offers more opportunities for the crime to occur.
Patterns and repetition of the average normal life can also lead to victimization. (Schmalleger, 2015) People are creatures of habit. An attacker can easily access an individual’s weakness through the repetitious daily activities and the frequency of the transaction. The frequency, type of activity, the location, and the specific times can open an individual to the high risk of victimization. The next theory introduces itself because of a specific location.
Deviant Place Theory
The deviant place theory deals strictly with a specific area known as the “bad” areas. Living in a neighborhood with low income or conditions showing bad reputations exhibits big roles of said crimes and deviance. These types of neighborhoods have all kinds of individuals that move in and move out consistently. Because replacements of people occur in this location, then it “fits” the location itself as being deviant and portraying bad behaviors. These type of neighborhoods involve the poor, overcrowded, less supervised, higher conflicts, etc. – which forces individuals to manage relations with one another and to their physical surroundings of the location. (1990) This “bad” area exposes its own dangerous location and makes an individual more susceptible to becoming a victim of a crime. This victimization is not coming from the victim itself, but rather the result of being in such “bad” areas. Gangs are a great example of a deviant neighborhood that would therefore come with a greater crime rate. The only way not to become a victim of this deviant location would be to move from said

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