
Deviant Behaviors In A Military College

Decent Essays

Going to a military college, I need to be involved in a number of deviant behaviors, at least deviant to people who don't understand a military or military college lifestyle. At a military college, as an upperclassman(sophomore or higher) you have the opportunity to test your leadership skills in a military way, meaning yelling and the use of strenuous physical activity. On July 12th at 10am at The Citadel, Military College of South Carolina is when I chose to use my deviant behavior. A behavior that is looked down upon a lot is yelling or showing any of the children's parents what will be going on while they are under our system. So what I decided was to go outside my comfort zone and how we usually handle ourselves and I yelled and disciplined their kids in front of them with no mercy. The students would be lined up outside the barracks with their family and personal belongings and I would act a way to them as if the parents weren't even there. It was a very weird experience for me since it was out of my comfort zone and that is why I was very interested to see how the parents would act. To my surprise there was a lot of different reactions to how I treated the incoming freshman by their parents and family. The students before entering the barracks were very disciplined and it seemed like they has an idea of what they were getting into. I didn't hold back on any students just because their family was right there and my firmness made the students very disciplined and

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