Development of Web 2.0 and Social Media
Web 2.0 refers to the term given to the second generation World Wide Web, which is majorly focused on giving people the ability to collaborate and share information online. The transition from the old static web pages to the more dynamic and interactive web pages are what are referred to as web 2.0, this websites are well organized and are geared towards delivering of web applications to the users. Web 2.0 brings other improved functionalities like open communication emphasizing on web communities of users and open sharing information with each other. Web 2.0 has become more synonymous as a marketing term. Components of web 2.0 are Wikis, Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Flickr. There have been discussions of Web 2.0 roots been in development communities for open source software, these communities organize and participate in development of software and ideas and suggestions are shared in real time, and the same would apply for Web 2.0. For Web 2.0 it's not just about opening up the code it involves opening up the production of content and exposing data so it can be re-used by all online users ADDIN EN.CITE Shelly20106(Shelly and Frydenberg, 2010)666Shelly, G.B.Frydenberg, M.Web 2.0: Concepts and Applications2010Independence, KYCourse Technology9781439048023 HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_6" o "Shelly, 2010 #6" Shelly and Frydenberg, 2010).
The most significant differences of
I was also directed from to a number of personal and private blogs and forums that satisfied my search criteria. All these Web 2.0 tools greatly assisted me in completing my task and equipping me with the knowledge to do these again in future. “Web 2.0” is a term coined by Tim O’Reilly in 1999 to describe non – written script web pages. They allow me to improve my knowledge base and develop working understanding of IT systems through the use of Blogs, podcasts and Videos.
In a nut shell the web 2.0 is the way the information is shared, stored, created, displayed, manipulated, and distributed how it effects the internet.
Web 2.0 is a term given To describe the second stage of the world wide web with this version being based on user interactivity and the sharing of data online and it is also more user friendly than the previous version of world wide web. Web 2.0 was first introduced in 2004. Some examples of Features of web 2.0 include things like web applications; web applications can now be ran straight from the web browser due to web 2.0’s user interactivity. Other features include social network, face book twitter and blogs
The second generation of the World Wide Web is Web 2.0. The second generation of the web is focused on user needs as an element in sharing information online. Web 2.0 allows for communication between users via a bandwidth of connectivity, the pages which are created within this 2nd generation of the web are created with dynamic HTML. There are many ways in which
Compare with the original World Wide Web, the evolved Web 2.0 is named by its ability for users to interact with each others. Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, who described Web 2.0 as: "a place where we could all meet and read and write." He said, "When you write a blog, you don't write complicated hypertext, you just write text " . Web 2.0 starts to make networked world "virtualized" through its handy and approachable feature.
This paper will include information about the role of social media and how it effects society in an emotionally, spiritually, and
With the development of advances in technology, communication through social networking has risen immensely. Communicating is not only less complicated, it is also relatively inexpensive. “Many teens in relationships view social media as a place where they can feel more connected with the daily events in there significant other’s life, share emotional connections, and let their significant other know they care” (Lenhart, Anderson, and Smith). However, the ease of access to social networking has allowed many adolescents to become overly involved. Networking has the potential to influence adolescents both emotionally and physically which in turn may lead to negative behaviors. An article from stated, “The use of social networking sites is correlated with personality and brain disorders, such as the inability to have in-person conversations, a need for instant gratification, ADHD, and self-centered personalities, as well as addictive behaviors” ( Essentially, social networking has rising negative influences on teens because of increased cyber bullying, lack of respect for personal privacy, and its addictive qualities.
Bhanot (2012) defined social media technology as the “media for social interaction that can be used in web based and mobile technologies”. In addition, web based and mobile technologies can make the communication into interactive conversation. The most popular social media among the users are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and so on. Besides, the
The widespread use of social media and the resulting transition to a system dependent on new media has fundamentally changed the ways in which we communicate. One significant aspect of communication that has been drastically altered is the news media and their presence on social media sites such as Twitter—primarily as a result of our changing interactions with and procurement of the news. Over the course of the last semester, I worked as an Assistant Producer for both Unify and Activism Media, which are sister companies. One of the most significant experiences I had during my internship was in my work as a journalist for Activism Media. I was assigned to cover the public’s responses to the death of Michael Brown and the subsequent protests following the failure to indict both Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo (also known as the ‘Shut it Down’ protests). My experiences during this assignment illustrated a number of theoretical concepts in the media studies field—chiefly: citizen journalism, agenda setting, and framing.
For an especially more point by point depiction of Web 2.0 ideas, something not excessively specialized, I exceedingly prescribe this article by Tim O'Reilly of O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Social media's influence is accelerating across every aspect of society, bringing with it a need for increased authenticity, transparency and trust. For the first time customers can stand on equal ground with the brands they buy from and in some cases, are very loyal to. Of the most disruptive force in society today, social networks are revolutionizing how the consumer interacts with every strata of business and government as well, from the small business to the global enterprises, from city hall to The White House (Bernoff, Schadler, 2010). This new platform of social media gives customers, and in the case of governments, citizens, the opportunity to voice their opinions, good and bad, very loudly and often get global attention from their efforts to change societies (Ang, 2011). The Arab Spring of 2010 forever changed how political change will take place in a country. That series of political events, all broadcast in real time over social media, solidified the value and immediacy of social media as an instrument of change. Social media as the foundation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems has progressed rapidly form the initial integrations completed by and others, to where Social CRM (SCRM) is a category unto itself in enterprise software (Greenberg, 2010).
Web 1.0 - place to go & get and Web 2.0 - place to be & do
Using Social Media and Web 2.0 tools to enhance the experience with Self- Regulated Learning
In the 2005 article “Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software,” Tim O’Reilly elaborates on the definition of Web 2.0 technology (a concept he had a hand in
Web technology, social media, and “smart phone” allow for a greater sense of independence and self-discovery.