Develop a plan that shows how you would lead a change initiative (digital and collaborative innovation) through its implementation. Consider the various stakeholders involved and your own leadership reflections.
By Jacqui Berman
The change that I would like to implement is a flipped learning classroom.
The current poor results suggest that a different approach to delivery would be beneficial. Effective leadership will raise student achievement. The initiative will need to be sustainable and easily achieved.
As we use an International Tertiary curriculum which has masses of information to sift through, we don’t see the exam as the paper is marked externally. It is very difficult to pinpoint what may come up in assessment. We have to sift
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I would like to set up a flipped classroom using the technologies of Google docs, PowerPoint , video, One Note, Blendspace and may require an investigation into tutors technology capabilities and implement a plan for improvement. Preparation time would also be identified as an obstacle for tutors.
Students are able view the lectures on their own time, they would be able to use class time for practice and valuable activities. The flipping of our traditional model will encourage the students that find it difficult to meet and collaborate with other students outside of the classroom, to collaborate more often and contributing to student outcomes. I will be able to identify problems early on, class distribution and provide plenty of opportunity for practice. (Bergmann & Sams 2012)
Considering my stakeholders, I will ensure the resources created will be clear and easy to use. Any change initiative will need to be broken down into a manageable approach so that they see the initiative as achievable. By empowering the stakeholders to be active in the process of change, they will be able to identify and agree on the common goal and objectives. The Flipped classroom
Within this paper, I will evaluate myself and the rest of my group on how overall our leadership project went and the pros and cons of each member within my group. The members of my group include myself, Michael Williams, Divya Reitz, Zack Benner, and Travis Geidroc. Reviewing and looking at how well each student worked individually will help show where things went wrong or went well throughout the planning of the leadership project.
Addressing organizational needs, problems and strengths begins with leadership. Ensuring needs, problems and strengths are appropriately measured, analyzed and, where appropriate diverted, begins with great leaders. Great leadership is about “ferocious resolve, an almost stoic determination to do whatever needs to be done to make the company great.” (Collins, 2001). Success for the leadership capstone project can be defined many ways; implementing a solution to resolve the problem as well as acknowledging the limitations of the study and identifying areas of focus for future research. Success for this leadership project is due in part to the results and findings of the study; however, the fundamental key to its success centers around leadership.
Leadership can be about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that the impact lasts in your absence. The leadership program has been such a wonderful experience for those within the district. There are so many positive things that have come out of the program so far. The fundamentals which include Myer's Briggs Type Indicator have given the groups a great way to connect to one another and get to know each other better. This can continue within each school and classroom to help build on and create a positive environment for adult-adult, adult-student and student-student relationships. Action research is another way to learning about improving schools and empowering educators. This is going to be
Selected as one of twenty five students to participate in a leadership program that provides high potential students with the skills and confidence to succeed in life
The “Investigating the link to improved student learning Final report of research findings” reported that transformational leadership practiced on student achievement had a weaker effect as to the effect of collective leadership. It is more beneficial to students if leadership is widely spread in a school.
Health Care field is a path of continuous change particularly due to the internal and external factors that affect the organizations. That said, the members of the organization should be prepared and be trained in able to adapt with this continuously occurring changes. In order to accomplish this, an evaluation of the current forces driving change in the field health care will be done. This will give a better understanding of which factor affects the organization and what action should be practiced within the organization. The organization where the author belongs will also be discussed together with the identification if there is a need for change, proposal on how to do it, development of a vision, and
Then, teachers must reach goals using diverse methods and techniques which engage the student and make the learning process interesting. Though methods vary, a problem or task centered approach is generally considered superior to a subject matter approach. Students and professors may work together to co-create knowledge. Work in teams is an often used strategy because it replicates the experiences of nontraditional students in the workplace. Additionally, teachers work to reduce time and place restrictions for the nontraditional student that would limit that person’s access to course materials and assignments; asynchronous online options easily break down such barriers.
Promoting student success is the founding principle of each of the Educational Leadership Constituencies Council Standards for Educational Leaders (2002). Influential educators combine their knowledge of leadership styles with personal experience in order to meet individual needs and encourage all students to achieve their potential.
Effective leadership has been identified as a critical component for guiding school improvement; however, leaders who fail to establish a vision supported by thorough analysis of student performance data will be unlikely to focus instructional changes in critically needed areas.
At this conference we learned better leadership skills, as well as how powerful we can be. A breakthrough session taught us that anything we set our mind to can be done. Never have I before broken a board in half with the palm of my hand. But within thirty minutes of this session I was defying the odds. The speaker related this concept back to student leadership. Whatever our goals may be for the year, we can do if we set our mind to accomplishing them. At the conference we set our goals for the year and started planning the greatness that was ahead of
launched a whole generation of research in group dynamics and the implementation of change programs.
However, advocates of classroom learning believe the online method isolates the students from one another as well as their professor minimizing the overall value of taking the course. They also claim that students learn better when working together with their instructor and their fellow classmates. Students learn better when they are given the opportunity to ask questions, join in class discussions, and they move the process of learning forward through their participation. Face-to-face advocates firmly believe that this kind of interaction is not possible over the Internet; and for many types of education, e-learning will never meet the potential of live human interaction in the classroom. An article in the New York Times titled, “Second Thoughts on Online Education,” backs up the points made above. A recent research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, comes to the conclusion; “A rush to online education
One of the topics in organizational development today is leadership. Leadership is what individuals do to mobilize other people in organizations and communities. According to Kouzes & Posner, there are five practices and ten commitments of exemplary leadership. The five practices of exemplary leadership include: Model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. In the Leadership Challenge, Kouzes and Posner found similar patterns and actions of leadership that created the essentials to achieve success. Utilizing the research conducted by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, I have created a leadership plan that would apply to the Admission Department at Texas Wesleyan University.
As an educational leader, it will provide opportunities to help design educational studies that reflect the very best of basic learning with 21st century preparedness for current and future job opportunities and careers. There have been too many instances where students do not have a chance to flourish by using their full potential because of budget cuts and various administrative decisions that in the long run can affect them negatively. As a leader in education, I believe I can make a difference by establishing universal administration and academic policies that will make resources available and allocated. The policies will garner enough support to improve the educational experience. This process will ensure that students will accomplish their goals and in turn develop them into successful future leaders. My vision is to be forward thinking by having an anticipation of barriers. However, allocating backup plans will allow for resources to be plentiful in turn will support the educational needs of the student. My vision will also include a framework that will promote the demands and essentials of the student. Leadership that is exemplary understands and knows the importance of expression of values and beliefs. This type of leadership has a voice that expresses principles that guide decisions and actions. Leadership that is efficient has philosophy and tools that
Aaron Sanns and Jonathan Bergman are the first two teachers who use flipped classroom, they provide supplying absent students with an online lecture they could watch from home or from anywhere they had access to a computer and internet including school or local library. They find