
Determining: What Is Involved In Being Resilient?

Decent Essays

It is all very well understanding resilience and acknowledging the need for it, but what is involved in being resilient? We know that we want to be resilient, don't we, but often don't know what that entails. This article unpacks some of the ideas around being more resilient and looks at the skills and attitudes required to cope with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, not to mention the deliberate and accidental consequences of people's actions, which have been with us the whole of life. Scanning the plethora of articles on the subject, a number of themes appear that are common to many if not all of the writing. These will be described in more detail below but basically relate to your emotional health, how well you focus in on yourself, …show more content…

It is not just trying to put a brave face on things and telling yourself you can get through it. Instead, this stage is about recognising the weaknesses but also noticing the positives about who you are. What are your personality strengths, particularly those which come into play when times are hard? What is it about you that is useful and good? It might be that you say, 'I am strong' or 'I am trusting' - whatever it is, acknowledge your strengths. Related to who you are is the step of acknowledging what you can do. Again, be realistic, because overly optimistic people aren't the most resilient. How you can cope well in tricky situations is good to know. Apart from giving you confidence beforehand, it allows you to proceed during the situation without having to second-guess and doubt yourself. To be able to say 'I can react positively even when I am sad', is good to know. Likewise, knowing you have an ability to think clearly through the tears is also useful. What are you capable …show more content…

Some of this is about simply accepting that things will be different now - the first step in any grief process - and so you will have to be too. It might also involve you doing things differently. Being willing to leave your traditions and old ways is vital to deal with a new situation, even though, on reflection, you recognise that what you did before may still work. The willingness to make changes is

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