
Desiree's Baby Racism

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The story “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin’s involved a romance that gets ruined with racism. The racism began when Madame Valmonde visited her adopted daughter Desiree and her baby. As Valmode took the baby to a bright window, she realized the baby shared similar features to an African American slave named Zandrine. It was that moment where everything began to go down hill. This story was not just about one small, happy family, but instead, it was about prejudice, love, and racism. Racism does not come from within, it is manmade or taught. Love is blind and it can take over your mind. Desiree husband, Armand, was a plantation owner and he made sure that African Americans were never happy again. However, after his beloved wife had his first …show more content…

Take Armand for example, he treated African Americans poorly until his wife and son came up. After the birth of his baby, he was much kinder and sweeter. However, once he realized the baby was a mixed race he immediately wanted his baby and wife to get out of his sight. It goes to show that even love cannot change what people think about others. Armand prejudice over rides the love he shares for someone. Armand is used to demonstrate that African Americans are no different than Caucasian men. The color of your skin does not value who you are as a person nor does it make a difference. He represents the “judging” of racism while his wife and baby represent the “judged” part of racism. This short story was written after the Civil War, where stereotypes such as African Americans are not as smart as the white men. Armand’s purpose is to prove that African Americans are similar to the white men. He shows that all stereotypes are false assumptions. He was living his life believing he was a Caucasian man even when his face itself showed he was not. In the text, Desiree says “ look at my hand; whiter than yours, …show more content…

Armand is the character that shows how equality did not exist even when it was supposed to. After the Civil War, slavery was over but that does not mean it changed the perspective of others. So many people were raised to hate and not care about African Americans. Armand from the beginning of the story had strong feelings towards his family line. Desiree did not know anything about her background, so he quickly accused her for cursing their baby with the African American gene. However, Armand’s mother was the one who had the African American gene. Being of the African ethnicity, she could not have taught him how to hate other slaves or African Americans. This proves the theory that racism is manmade. If she did teach him how to hate African Americans, she is being a hypocrite towards her own kind. The story shows how discrimination continued even after the Civil War ended and the 13th Amendment was

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