
Designing An Airbag System For A Car

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example designing an airbag system for a car. In this case, a small error in designing timing constraints (causing the airbag to Published in the very early or very late) can be disastrous and cause injury. RTSs are amongst the most challenging systems to analyses. This is mainly because the correctness Real-time systems based on the actual time at which events occur. Moreover, These systems include the number of concurrent interactions of components that have a high level of complexity. These interactions may lead to many hidden cases or undesirable if it is not carefully considered. Thus, real-time systems need to be accurately modeled and verified in order to have confidence in the validity with respect to the desired properties. One of the known formal verification techniques that can be used to validate the systems is UPPAAL "model checking technique"[3.4]. Have shown real-time scheduling theory the transition from the infrastructure on the basis of periodic Executive model scheduling more flexible scheduling, such as fixed priority, scheduling vital priorities, scheduling notes or scheduling extended [5]. There is a conflict between two or more tasks when demand exceeds one at a time in order to kind of resources the availability of this resource. And scheduling has to resolve such disputes before deciding on any of the competing tasks to give a first resource and tasks that will have to wait until resources are freed, Different schedule leads naturally to

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