
Descriptive Vacation

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I will forever be tied there. Everything about it - the food, the air, the smell, the sights - was wonderful! It all started when my great grandpa Forst died and left my mom money. He loved to travel, so my mom knew that we should use the money for travel. A couple of years later my parents said,
“We're going to Italy.”
“Really?!” I exclaimed.
“You better believe it, or you're not going!”
“ I believe it, I believe it!!!!” As soon as I stepped into the airport, I knew it was going to be an adventure I would never forget. We took a plane from Norfolk to Atlanta, and then to Italy. As we got on the plane to Italy, I realized how exciting this was going to be. My heart was pounding as I looked at my ticket and saw that we were all in first class. Even the flight was a new experience. We were offered gourmet food for dinner - steak, soup, salad, and dessert. Then for breakfast I had french toast.Yum! The seats reclined into beds,they had sheets, blankets, and big fluffy pillows. I couldn't sleep. For most of the 9 hour flight, I looked out the window, talked and watched TV.
We arrived in florence at 11:00 a.m. even though it felt like night. We checked in and had our first meal in Italy. I had a little bowl of heaven, pasta with meat sauce! My sister had a sort of flatbread sandwich called a panini, but our vacation was not just relaxing. We got to work soon.
Heart pounding, shallow breath, darkness, and then finally... the sun broke through like a trophy waiting to be given. We climbed the Duomo right after we climbed the bell tower. Imagine climbing a 20 story skyscraper - that's what we did. But we didn't do just that. After Florence, we went to San Gimignano (which my dad and I call Saint Jimmy Johns) and took a cooking class. We got to eat the delicious food we made! We devoured steak and peppercorn stew, salad and Tiramisu, which is like an ice cream that's not ice cream. We also visited a cheese and wine factory. My mom loved the wine part, and I just thought it was a bunch of old barrels in a cold room. In the cheese factory, we had to wear shoe covers. The guide told us how they made the cheese and showed us some samples. One cheese looked like bread and was made of a bunch of other cheese

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