
Descriptive Essay On A Chess Match

Decent Essays

As my dad was free from his company’s projects, I asked him for a chess match. My dad softly agreed, “Ok son, good luck to you”.
I took out the chess board from the drawer. Quickly putting the pieces to their positions, we started challenging each other, “Dad, you definitely lost this time”. I opened the match by moving the pawn two squares, without contemplating, my dad also replied with a pawn’s move. We managed to process the match quite painstakingly quick: after 10 minutes, we were to the middle game, and after 20 minutes, we were at the endgame. I gradually wanted to end the game with a victory, which made me take any move that jumped to my head at the first second. Disappointingly, I made a false move, my dad realized and take the chance. …show more content…

Standing at the lot of my team, I could not restrain my body from perspiring. My mentor, recognizing my state, calmed me down with a freezing bottle of water. Eventually, the first round was initiated. One more time, because this was the first experience I competed at a tournament, I was unable to concentrate on my match. As a result, I took any move coming to my head without taking much considering. As a consequence, I gave myself a false move. I put my Queen on the way of my opponent’s Rook. Without waiting, he threw his Rook to my Queen’s square as a replacement. I, analyzing this was the situation analogous to the match between I and my dad, demanded an undo, ‘ Could you let me take back my Queen?’. He rejected. As louder as I screamed , my opponent showed no signs of approval. Finally, since I refused to continue the game, he dashed to the referee, and I was decided the …show more content…

My mom, although having her clothes packed with dust after hours delivering products to consumers, still didn’t forget to ask about homework. “I had a math test tomorrow, mom.” While most of people were comfortably on their bed at night, my mom prepared for me a list of exercises to do. In the next morning, it was predictable that I managed to get through all of problems on the test.
In chess, everything was distinct. Coming to the club, my mentor assigned me to apply his lessons through real matches against other members. Throughout the match, I concluded that I could not request anyone for helping to figure out the next move except me. Although right after the time I took my hand out of the piece I recognized that was a severe mistake, my opponent did not give me any chances to rethink and take another move.
I didn’t expect to learn something meaningful in chess. What I dream of during matches are victories, during tournaments is the 1st rank. In fact, those prizes require a wide variety of virtues, one of them is the responsibility. However, my life does not only relate to chess matches, nor tests at school. Graduating from academic environment, I have to deal with various problems such as my job, my finance and even my children, and take important decisions. Whenever problem, whenever decisions, responsibility, the gift chess gave me, is the weapon I must not forget. Any action, as risky as it is, is my masterpiece

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