
Descriptive Essay

Decent Essays

The unexpected “Why does college have to be so hard, I literally put all my time and effort on my assignment for English but Mrs. Darling gave me a fifty percent! Can you believe a fifty percent” said Marlin. “Well I don’t know maybe you didn’t try hard enough marlin you have been going to parties for the last couple of weeks your lucky she gave you a fifty I would have given you a zero” “ughh shut up smarty-pants I tried a lot even though I literally did it yesterday when I got back from Zach’s party why didn’t you go he is your boyfriend after all? “Said marlin concerned “Well unlike you marlin I had homework that needed my attention Zach understands that school comes before parties that’s why he’s the best boyfriend ever” I blushed as those words came out of my mouth; “You’re lucky I wish I had a boyfriend like Zach” said marlin. I paused as then as I started to flashback to senior year when marlin first told me that she had a crush on Zach but then I had told her that I was dating Zach. I felt bad because me as a friend I should have known but when it came to boy’s marlin had a crush on everyone I just didn’t think she would have a crush on Zach. Zach was the popular boy in school but he was also the bad boy I guess that’s why every girl liked him, but he changed when I meet him he became a sweet heart and a gentleman. “Hello… are you okay” said marlin “Oh I’m sorry I zoned out I will catch you in class I have to go somewhere” I said almost tripping over my own

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