
Describe A Circumstance, Obstacle Or Conflict In My Life

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Prompt: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY “Describe a circumstance, obstacle or conflict in your life, and the skills and resources you used to resolve it. Did it change you? If so, how?” His Name was Rob Though I have faced many obstacles, or at least what I consider to be obstacles, there is one specific instance that comes to mind when I reflect upon this prompt. It was not so much an obstacle as a guy, and his name was Rob. I know what you are thinking. Here is another teenage girl about to blather on about her “boy problems.” If you knew me, you would know right off the bat that this is not the case, and if you are willing...give me a chance. I will relay to you a personal explanation for the quizzical statement above. Then, and only then, can you draw your own conclusions. In the summer of my sophomore year, one of my mom’s childhood friends came to visit us. For the sake of anonymity, she shall henceforth be referred to as Jane Doe. Jane was unhappy with her marriage, and after several years of unhappiness decided to leave her husband. Her husband, or ex-husband shall I say, was named Rob and is the same man as aforementioned. Nothing was so terrible in their relationship that, in my opinion, it could not be fixed. However, it never has been nor ever will be my place to judge them or their actions. Months passed and Jane became a closer member of our family. She finally (over a period of several months) came to the decision that she would stay with us on the large plot of land our family shares. We were overjoyed at this news, and above all else we were happy that she was happy. Then one day a letter arrived for Jane. It was from Rob, her now ex-husband. It came so swiftly and without warning that I do not feel it is unjust to compare it to a falling star, yet unlike a falling star its arrival was not anticipated with wishes and excitement. The letter, to the best of my memory, said something along the lines of this, “I have cancer. It seems I couldn’t live with me either.” Although the card was set up to portray such utterly heart wrenching news comically, I am not ashamed to admit that just by thinking back to this time, tears pool in my eyes. In a manner of a few weeks, Jane was packed to head back to Rob.

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