The Governor’s Advocacy Office received your complaint on July 13, 2015 alleging that you have been the subject of gender discrimination by the Deschutes County Child Welfare Program. You assert that you should have custody of your son, not your son’s mother as her behavior is responsible for your son being placed in protective custody. Additionally, you state that the case plan developed by DHS is adoption. However, there is no plan at this time for the termination of parental rights.
This office conducted an investigation of your allegations by reviewing the associated child welfare case file which includes histories of visits, legal documents and correspondence. Robert Byczkowski, Child Welfare Program Manager was also contacted for information and clarification. Additionally, the Citizens Review Board (CRB) which met on April 8, 2015 as well as safety plan documents and Letter of Expectation documents were reviewed.
The CRB report indicates that you travel to Madras twice a week from Portland to
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The state is required by federal law to develop a service plan for your child. When the reported concern is substantiated, and the child is found to have been a victim of abuse or neglect or there is substantial threat of harm of abuse or neglect, Child Welfare must take steps to enhance and ensure the safety of the child.
This involves the agency developing interventions and plans which enhance and ensure the child’s safety. This also involves the agency engaging the family in the plans and services that may include counseling, substance abuse treatment, mental health services, parent training. For children to be returned, all of the services listed in the plan are needed to be successfully completed. Child Welfare laws are based on the premise that parents will successfully complete services if they want to parent their
EREPORT # 18573 statedthe following: The incident took place on today. DFCS worker accompanied Investigation Terry Smith to 317 West Main St, Sardis, MS due to reports coming to the Sheriffs Department alleging that Dakota, his girlfriend Kynli, and Dalton are staying in a home alone with no adults. The concerns individual also stated to Invest. Smith that the children were not in school. Kynli is pregnant and will be having her baby within the next month. After going to the home Invest. Smith and DFCS worker were able to assess that the allegations were true and the home was filthy and no adults were in the home and the children were not going to school. There are concerns for the minors at this time. The alleged perpetrators are allowing
- There have been similar sex abuse allegations reported to DHS CW previously and they investigated by DHS CW with disposition of Unable to Determine. This disposition is based on professional and police reports.
The case I found is Baltimore v. Ill. Dep’t of Child & Fam. Serv., U.S. Dist. LEXIS 31644 (N.D. Ill. Mar. 25, 2011). In this case, Baltimore had custody of his three minor children. Id. at 2. On March 4, 2009, Baltimore claims that DCFS took his children from school and put them in protective custody without notifying him. Id. DCFS took the children because the Plaintiff’s fiancée was previously in an abusive relationship, which required an investigation. Id. The Plaintiff believe the allegations were false, but DCFS found a complaint against the Plaintiff for “improper touching.” Id. at 3. After the children were taken, the Plaintiff visited them in foster care and got a layer to fight to get his children back. Id. Plaintiff got full custody rights on May 21, 2009. Id. The Plaintiff wants “relief that DCFS cannot put his children in protective custody again without conducting a due process hearing or having a good faith belief that the children are in danger of abuse or neglect. Id. Defendants want to dismiss the claims made by the Plaintiff. Id. at 4-5. Plaintiff must give reasons as to why he believes DCFS may contact him in the future. Id. at 12. The Court found that the Plaintiff lacked reason for standing and dismissed the Federal claims by Plaintiff against the Defendants. Id. at 14. Defendants argue that since the Federal claims are dismissed the State claims should be too. Id. The
Harm Statement: Hennepin County Child protection received a report of alleged physical abuse and domestic violence involving Tionne and Tavin by their father, Tejuan.
On 2/13/18, Hennepin Child Protection accepted a report alleged neglect, failure to provide shelter, environmental hazards Brandeja, Brandeon, Branden by mother, Latisha Harris. On 4-17-18 it was reported that Latisha was hospitalized for her mental health and possible drug use. Per reporter police reported that the family lives in a “garbage house” when they picked her up but there was no other information regarding the condition of the home. Per reporter the children were being cared for by their grandmother while their mother was hospitalized.
On the eleventh of October the Hennepin County Public Health Department offered an additional program regarding maternal and child healthcare with speakers representing their early childhood program, Baby Tracks, the foster care system, Women Infants Children and their efforts to reduce and manage perinatal Hepatitis B.
The court has made the decision that the Child Welfare program should be given temporary legal custody of your child. Based on state and federal laws the placement of children is only completed with considerable evidence that the child is unsafe due to abuse or neglect. The business practices and decisions made concerning Protective Services are not determined unilaterally but involve many individuals who evaluate the safety and welfare of children with the objective of keeping them safe from abuse and neglect. Making decisions in this fashion ensures that impartial, neutral individuals will facilitate the decision-making rather than one individual. Removing children from their families can be a traumatic, life changing event and is not done without considerable deliberation and
To clarify the role of the GAO, this office is under both the Governor 's Office and the Department of Human Services (DHS) Director 's Office and we independently review or investigate any matters of complaint or concern that a constituent reports having with a DHS program or service. Because we are under the DHS umbrella, we have the authorization to access client information systems and confidential case files. As your concern was specific to your son in foster care, the Foster Care Ombudsman completed this investigation.
Child welfare social workers and other similar service providers who provide direct assistance to immigrant families; such as the Department of Children and Family Services strive to ensure the wellbeing of all families. The IRIRA has an extensive history of separating families, therefore all social workers alike and community partners have a pronounced interest in keeping children in the custody of their relatives; lowering the risk of trauma resulting from separation and promoting family stability. The objectives in the alternative policy also are a match to social worker values; to ensure access to needed information, services, and resources; equality of opportunity for all people.
Case planning is done at many points during a family’s involvement with Child welfare services.
The controversial issue of whether or not Child Protective Services are doing their jobs properly, has grabbed nationwide attention. Child Protective Services is the name of a government agency in many states of the United States whose mission is to respond to reports of child abuse and neglect. Some of these cases may include physical abuse, sexual abuse, and mental abuse (Wikipedia). The child welfare system is corrupted. The parents and guardians who are accused of abuse are automatically labeled as guilty and will have to prove their innocence; instead of being innocent until proven guilty.
The primary clients that the agency services are the children whom are considered the alleged victims. The organization also works with the parents and any other adult that is considered an alleged perpetrator. As stated on the DFPS website “The mission of The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services is to protect children, the elderly, and people with disabilities from abuse, neglect, and exploitation by involving clients, families, and communities”. Child Protective Services was established to investigate all allegations of abuse and/or neglect of children under the age of eighteen. The investigation is usually initiated through an intake-the process where information is received from an outside source- doctor, family, friend, school personnel, law enforcement etc. - to the agency
A major public health concern is the exposure of children in the child welfare system to potentially traumatic events. These children require trauma-informed care so as to prevent further trauma and to mitigate the effects of the traumatic effects the child is already experiencing. Both the welfare system and the parent under whom the child is placed have a role to play in ensuring this. This essay reviews two research articles that research on the impact of educating the staff in the child welfare system and the parents on trauma-informed care and how this impacts the well-being of the child.
A state that undertakes custody of a child is declaring that it can do a better job providing protection. This system is a powerful agent of support, providing positive nurturing environments that enable a child to reach his or her potential. Nonetheless, when children suffer additional abuse in the system, this government intervention should be questioned.
The instant a child has been expected of being abused or neglected and a responsible citizen takes the initiative to involve authorities on the behalf of the children is the ultimate time when a life changing moment occurs. Child Protective Services makes the decision as to whether or not a reported situation is worthy of an investigation. Reporting neglect or abuse doesn't have to directly be made to Child Protective Services; law enforcement can be notified as well through an emergency and/or non-emergency hotline. Child Protective Services and law enforcement personnel work hand in hand, but each entity completes a different type of investigation. The law enforcement investigation involves criminal charges and deciding whether a not a caregiver, guardian, parent or anyone else broke any laws and regulations. Child Protective Services investigation will involve whether or not a child is being neglected and should be placed in an alternative living arrangement, along with completing other family assessments.