
Deontological View On Drugs And Alcohol Use Essay

Decent Essays

A Deontological View on Drug and Alcohol Use Drug and alcohol use is considered to be one of the major issues in the world today. Drugs can impair us, causing us to make poor decisions as well as cause permanent damage to the body. Deontology is an ethical theory that maintains that actions are not justified by their consequences; one should do what is morally right as it is their duty. What is morally right in the eyes of a deontologist is determined by universal moral laws, cultural norms, and religious views. This paper will analyze the morality of drug and alcohol use through these views. Universal moral laws, as defined by Immanuel Kant, are morals that remain consistent throughout the world regardless of things like race or religion. For instance, whether you are from Russia or Ethiopia, you know it is morally wrong to commit murder. Through this view, most drug and alcohol use would be considered …show more content…

At one point in time, it was culturally accepted to use opium in China but not in other countries. In most first and even second world countries, it is currently accepted to drink alcohol (rate of moderation varies), smoke cigarettes, and drink caffeinated beverages. However, cultural disapproval occurs situationally. For instance, drinking a lot of alcohol in response to getting a promotion is accepted but the same in response to getting fired is not. In the situation that a post-operative patient becomes addicted to pain medicines, is the patient morally responsible? Once again, this is a situation where deontology falls a little thin. Countries such as Canada and Australia refute seemingly universal moral law by having legalized and otherwise accepted the use of marijuana. According to deontology, what is considered right is far better than what is considered good. It would be good to be able to treat medical conditions without the risk of addiction but it is right to heal others and free them from

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