
Dehumanization In The Hunger Games

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In the Hunger Games, there is a lot of dehumanization and aggression that happens as the story unfolds. The definition of aggression is "any form of behavior directed toward the goal of harming or injuring another living being who is motivated to avoid such treatment” (Opotow). While, dehumanization is defined as “the psychological process of demonizing the enemy, making them seem less than human and hence not worthy of humane treatment” (Opotow).
The concept of dehumanization has applied to various religions, races, and nationalities throughout history. Jews have been persecuted throughout history, as they were first enslaved during biblical times then during the Second World War they were sent to death camps. Dehumanization is found in the modern day as well, in the form of the Nazis, Police Brutality, and the way we treat homeless people. While death seems very harsh, this is exactly what happens in the world where The Hunger Games is. these values are the same in The Hunger Games novel as they make kids fight to the death as a form of entertainment. They government and leaders of the game do not care about the people that are playing, they only want to get put on a show and make their money.
In the games, they must fight until the death and beat out 11 other players of the game so that they can live on. What also happens throughout the games and story, is gender stereotypes are pushed in ways that helps move along the story so the leaders of the world can gather the

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