
Definition Essay: The Name My Name

Satisfactory Essays

The Name My Name

The name Onorina isn't any ramdom name. I got that name Onorina from my grandmother. People back then said it means Faith or strenth because my grandma used to have so much faith in herslef and in other people. Today the name Onorina means “honor, respect, praise, tribute, offering to a deity, honored, esteemed, respected”. and it's always means 'a baby girls name' as itlaians say it. First when i hear the name Onorina i think of someone who knows whats right and whats wrong but sometimes makes the worng decison bad people lead her to bad places. I love my name and the real meaning of my name really hits me because at some points i can be Onorina and other points i just think i'm someone else.

Most of the people i know …show more content…

If you were to come to an african party you would enjoy it and trust me we wont leave you disappointed. I love my name and i love where it came from and who gave it to me. When i ask someone 'what do you think my name means?' they say 'honor' because when you procounce my name you could hear honor in the word as you say it. If i had a choice to pick a differnt name i wouldnt bcause god gave me this name and i love my name and the deffitoion of my name. The lanugues we speak are the most imporant thing in my house because not everyone is my famliy speaks English but parents have a accent when they speak english sometimes its even hard to understand. I speak 3 langues. Swahlii, English , and Kibamba. Other people from South african speak differnt lauagues. Religion in my family is also impostant we have to pray before we eat or sleep or sometimes when you're about to go somewhere. What we want in life is always imporant bceuase back then my parent didnt get a good edaction so they want the best for us. They us to finish school and get a good jobs and good money.The music we listen ae every dfiiernt from what other listen to. We listen to Christain music, Afican music of course, and we always lisen to american

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