In our text stress is described as situations that trigger a physical and emotional reaction and also includes the reactions we have to the stress. The places and areas that stress come into our lives are endless. Most of us have a family, friends, and work we have to juggle on a shoestring schedule and sometimes the budget is on a shoestring too. Money can be a huge stressor especially if you do not have enough to pay the bills, buy your baby a new pair of shoes, or purchase that plane ticket to paradise. Problems at work can also give stress and anxiety to everyone. Stress creates problems with your health such as the nervous system, Endocrine system, Immune system, cardiovascular health, sleep, and can also affect relationships. I think …show more content…
The book gives the example of losing your keys and had solved this problem years ago by putting my keys on a clamp and attaching that to a metal loop on my purse. Currently, I place my keys only in a pocket that is easy to reach and to see. Attending college has been a stressor for me as I have had to work so many different and long hours. The stress caused by exams, lack of time, and financial problems have plagued me this semester. My solution is to take fewer classes next semester and to find better employment that I do not have to be available almost every day and work crazy hours. Another situation that is producing stress in my life is my house, yard, and mine and my parent's possessions that need to be sorted out. Many things need to be thrown out, gave to goodwill, or packed away for safe keeping. Right now old pictures are in various shoe boxes, envelopes, and are located in four rooms. I have not had the time to clean deep or work in the yard for a little over a year now, and I plan on working on all these things during Christmas break. Although I will not be able to get it all done, I should be able to get a good bit done, and that will alleviate some of my
This reading focuses on a few principles which would help one to turn their stress into asset:
We all know what it's like to feel stressed, but it's not easy to pin down
Stress is referring to situations that trigger physical and emotional reaction. Stress can affect every aspect of one’s life which includes work, school, relationship, family and even one’s sleep pattern. The type of stress response I experienced this week is acute stress from work combined with stress at home (cooking taking care of the kids and school assignment) which I always all the time, I will say am adapted to this type of stress. Another type of stress response am battling with is the chronic stress which is financial issue. What I always do make my stress go away is simple relaxation technique like taking deep breathing to get my mind and my body most cases I also take a warm shower, meditate, and relax for sometimes and then
“I’m so stressed” is a phrase so commonly used by teens, especially to describe how they feel about school. In many ways this is true, much truer than some adults like to admit; for this reason, many colleges and professionals have done studies to research stress in students. According to a study done by NYU forty nine percent of teens said they feel overwhelmingly stressed on a daily basis, and thirty one percent said they feel somewhat stressed on a daily basis. Females tended to feel much more stressed than males. Grades, homework, and college preparation were the top reasons for students' stress. Twenty six percent scored positive for clinical Depression due to stress, and a majority of teachers could see stress affecting students as well as the school in
According to our class notes, stress is “defined as the general state of the body, mind, and emotions when an environmental stressor has triggered the stress response”. However, states that since there is not a definition of stress that everyone accepts, it is difficult to measure. (What Is Stress?)
Foremost, stress is defined as “a term used to describe the physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral responses to events that are appraised as threatening or challenging” (Ciccarelli, 2016). Though stress is a universally known term, it can signify different things to several different individuals. For instance, although minor levels of stress are known as acute stressors associated with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrena in the brain – short-term problems like: tension, headaches, rapid breathing, anxiety, anger etc, is usually not viewed as bodily threats (Ademola, 2005). Chronic stressors which inhibits physical health; triggering the body’s hormones; provoking the central nervous system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems,
Stress can come at very different levels. Stress can come in many different forms. Financial stress is a hard thing, and a lot of time takes time to fix the financial stressor. Financial stress a lot of time can not be avoided. Family relationship stress is another hard subject. It is a hard subject because a lot of the time kids and divorce are involved. Forty to fifty marriages end in divorce (American Psychological Association) and that all has to do with stress in the end. Lastly, workplace stress. Workplace stress is where a lot of people feel stuck. Yes, the person may dislike going to their job everyday, their workload is too heavy but it is a paycheck. The paycheck is what is held over a person’s head and makes them get up everyday and give a sense of security. In the end all three of these subjects of stress tie back together. It starts with the work place stress, when a person has a heavy work load at work and not enough pay to pay bills then Next comes financial stress. Once the person working has a heavy work load and not enough money the family relationship problems come because they are stressed about making ends meet and provide for their family. See how it all sort of flows together? The top three stressors sort of play off of one another. Of course this is not always the
Dealing with stress can be difficult. This is partly due to the fact that a lot of times stress or tension can manifest its self in many different ways. What one person sees as a stressful situation or a feels is challenging to deal with another person may view as more of a fact of life. Even without trying to understand how each individual person notices or deals with stress its still hard to quantify because it has numerous definitions and traits. However, for the purpose of this essay I will be focusing on the term stress as a noun, where it's defined as stress is defined as: a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances ( Focusing on stress in how it effects the body
· but in my opinion there is two type of stress the positive stress and the negative stress.
People have very different ideas with respect to their definition of stress. Probably the most common is, “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension”. Another popular definition of stress is, “a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.” ( Most use stress as a negative condition that causes people to breakdown and become frustrated. This is totally misunderstood, stress is actually a reaction to a stimulus that causes dysfunction in our mental and physical state. People experience stress in a variety of ways such as in school, sports, competitive activities, work, and many more. The stress builds up and affects the body emotionally, physically, mentally, and behaviorally.
Stress is your body 's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. When we are stressed, our bodies release chemicals that signal us to react.
Stress is something we have all experienced at some point in our lives. From a biological perspective, stress is a phenomenon that occurs when we experience circumstances that disturb our physical and mental equilibrium. These circumstances, which are referred to as stressors, include heavy workloads, relationship problems, illnesses or upcoming, life-changing events such as weddings, divorces or childbirth. Stress is naturally occurring and can even be helpful in certain situations such as being under pressure to finish an essay, but if stress is not relieved it becomes chronic. Chronic stress can have negative effects on our physical and psychological condition, relationships, work or school situation and other aspects of our social life.
According to the stress is defines as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Stress is a feeling created when we react to particular event such as bad work place, traffic jammed, break up, too many assignments and many more other sample. Stress rise our mental and body to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with extra focus, strength, alertness, commitment and high risk. Stress in the eye of beholder? What does this word mean? every person react with the same situation differently for example a group of 3 person, name A, B and C when tested with the reaction when stuck in traffic jammed a person A
Stress is an individual’s adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person’s wellbeing. (1)
Stress becomes a problem when it builds up in our bodies. Too much stress can weaken the immune system and cause fatigue, anxiety and even depression. The extra production of epinephrine due to stress can heart disease by changing the arteries and how cells generate.