
stress Essay

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1/ Definition of “Stress� :

Stress is an individual’s adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person’s wellbeing. (1)

There are two kinds of stress dimensions which are psychological and physiological one. In psychological aspect, people perceive a situation and interpret it as challenging or threatening or both and then this cognitive appraisal leads to physiological responses.

Distress: the degree of physiological, psychological and behavioural deviation from healthy functioning. (2)

General adaptation syndrome: a model of the stress experience, consisting of three stages : alarm reaction, resistance and exhaustion which helps people to cope with environmental demands by …show more content…

(5) o Workplace violence: employees who experience violence usually have symptoms of severe distress after the traumatic event. o Workplace bullying: offensive, intimidating or humiliating behaviour that degrades, ridicules or insults another person at work. How to prevent ? Firstly, set expectations regarding acceptable workplace behaviour. Secondly, base on past behaviour/incident. Lastly, companies should have a grievance, mediation or other conflicts resolution process that employees trust when they become victims of workplace bullying. • Organisational stressors: such as the sale or merger trend of a company that employees face. • Non-work streesors: Stressors from work spill over into non-work stressors and conflict with each other. (6) o Time-based conflict: The challenge of balancing the time demanded by work with family and the other non-work activities. o Strain-based conflict: occurs when stress from one domain spills over to the other. o Role behaviour conflict: occurs when people are expected to enact different work and non-work roles.

3/ Individual differences in stress: • People expose to the same stressors might response differently for some reasons: o People have different approach to a

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