
Defining Happiness : Meaning The Definition Of Happiness

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Happiness, a complicated nine letter word. Many people have sought to narrow down the definition of happiness, but have found it a difficult task to do. As I started researching the word happiness I found that happiness lies in the eye of the beholder; everyone has their own definition. Influencing the human body mentally, emotionally, and physically happiness has strong attributes; not just on ones’ feelings but on their overall well-being. Lazy fall days, colorful leaves, cooler weather, birds singing, frogs croaking, crickets singing, relaxing to the sounds of nature. Waves of water crashing, fishing, telling stories around a campfire, making s’mores, cook outs, and time spent making memories with my family and friends; this is how I define the word happiness. When I think of happiness I think of descriptive words like contentment, enjoyment, satisfaction. Things that make me smile; a feeling of such fulfillment that every fiber of my soul feels warm. Hap-pi-ness to me is life gratification.
To some, happiness is not as simple as self-gratification; to them happiness is concentered a continuous act of a good life. A life without suffering, full of pleasure, prosperity, things of material wealth. However, there has to be more to happiness than this. Happiness has to come from within, it cannot be bought. Everyone seeks happiness, it is not measurable, profitable, nor is it something that is tradable; so it cannot possible be bought.
The old cliché “Money cannot buy

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