Happiness, a complicated nine letter word. Many people have sought to narrow down the definition of happiness, but have found it a difficult task to do. As I started researching the word happiness I found that happiness lies in the eye of the beholder; everyone has their own definition. Influencing the human body mentally, emotionally, and physically happiness has strong attributes; not just on ones’ feelings but on their overall well-being. Lazy fall days, colorful leaves, cooler weather, birds singing, frogs croaking, crickets singing, relaxing to the sounds of nature. Waves of water crashing, fishing, telling stories around a campfire, making s’mores, cook outs, and time spent making memories with my family and friends; this is how I define the word happiness. When I think of happiness I think of descriptive words like contentment, enjoyment, satisfaction. Things that make me smile; a feeling of such fulfillment that every fiber of my soul feels warm. Hap-pi-ness to me is life gratification.
To some, happiness is not as simple as self-gratification; to them happiness is concentered a continuous act of a good life. A life without suffering, full of pleasure, prosperity, things of material wealth. However, there has to be more to happiness than this. Happiness has to come from within, it cannot be bought. Everyone seeks happiness, it is not measurable, profitable, nor is it something that is tradable; so it cannot possible be bought.
The old cliché “Money cannot buy
Happiness is something that all people, no matter what race, gender, or social class, strive for. Based on lifestyle or perspective each person has their independent idea of what happiness is, but everyone shares an end goal to live their definition of a happy life. Many people, though, struggle in finding their way to this goal. They face hardships and challenges that test their happiness every day. Happiness, though somewhat indirectly, does take learning and training to discover and maintain.
Although there are a number of different nuances and qualifications for this particular term, happiness actually can be defined. In fact, it usually helps to best define happiness in terms of what it is and what it is not. Happiness is certainly a state of fluctuation there is no consistent, prolonged state of felicity. If so, it then becomes normal, the normal becomes boring, and the result a sort of benign content becomes a bland, meaningless state devoid of any significant stimulus. Instead, what is needed for happiness is the vicissitudes of life. Were there no unhappiness, there could not be happiness. Happiness, therefore, is a function of rebounding from and considering the unhappiness that is a potential for virtually almost everyone, although the unhappiness for a particular individual is most relevant to him or her. With that in mind one of the most essential qualities regarding happiness is the fact that it is extremely relative, much like motion, and is best defined as the feeling of satisfaction (ideally punctuated by elation) one gets after achievement or averting the negative vicissitudes on might have encountered.
In my point of view, happiness often define a happy person as someone who experiences frequent positive emotions, such as joy, interest, and pride. Regardless of where you are on the happiness spectrum, each person has their own way of defining happiness. Philosophers, actors, politicians, and everybody in between have all weighed in on their own view of happiness. For instance, Dr. Shefali Tsabary, psychologist and author, said: "Only when we fill our own need and feel satiated from within can we truly be fulfilled and
Happy is a word that derived from the Middle English language and is one word that has not really changed over time. The meaning of happy has always meant a pleasant feeling, fortunate, or lucky. This five lettered word plays a huge role in our lives every day, from keeping us healthy to our everyday attitudes. As we have probably heard before, the key to life is happiness. It unlocks many doors and brings new opportunities to the table.
In my definition of happiness, happiness is when someone who experiences frequent positive emotions. These emotions can all be illustrated with joy, interest, and pride. An unhappy person often portrayed negative emotions, such as anger and sadness.
Happiness is a feeling that one can include in their lifestyle by paying closer attention to things that make them happy rather than negative
The pursuit of happiness is critical in our lives. Oftentimes, we become confused as to what defines happiness. Happiness is an emotion, but it may also be the steps we take to feel said emotion. Happiness is using virtues and achieving your goal, while appreciating the little things in life.
What is happiness? In order to define yourself as happy or not you must understand the the definition of happiness. For example, if another person considers themselves “happy” you may believe that in order to be happy you must have what they have.Well, according to BBC, happiness is a complex state of mind where your physiological and physical needs are met. This means many people
People tend to feel the most happiness in their daily lives rather than happiness over all. For instance, if someone opens the door for you, does something outrageous, tells a funny story or simply reacts kindly to you, you can experience happiness. Laughing at someones joke can cause you to feel happy even for just a moment. Another definition of happiness in our daily lives is self appreciation such as, getting that new raise, getting an A on a test or even getting into the college you want. These examples all cause happiness in different but still rather large ways. We seem to think that happiness is so difficult to come by, we focus so hard on what happiness is that we don't even realize the simple things in life that are truly making a difference. We can become significantly happy without even noticing. Although happiness seems like it’s hard to find it’s not all that difficult. What’s hard to come by is the feeling of genuine happiness ; genuine happiness is what people truly look for.
In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Happiness is when you want to think what you think what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” Describing happiness can seem as ambiguous as accomplishing and achieving it. Without help, we as different individuals all have the same want---- happiness. However, the satisfaction in life can not be defined through just one definition or study. The concept of happiness and it’s sources have been defined through religious, psychological and abstract ground. People in general are happier when they are around a set of people that uplifts them, because psychologically their happiness is affected by their environment.
I define happiness as being the one and only creator of your own experience, choosing to take pleasure in what you have, right now, regardless of the circumstances, while being the best you that you can be. Happiness is feeling safe and supported no matter what your doing, and not being ashamed of who you are. Finally, happiness is, fundamentally, a choice. Your choice.
The definition of happiness differentiates depending on the person telling what happiness means to them. Happiness can sometimes be mixed up with pleasure. Pleasure is a momentary satisfaction. We must understand that we control our own happiness. Happiness is when you are content or at peace with yourself and not worrying about anything else except what is happening at that very moment, not what happened in the past or the upcoming future.
Happiness is something everyone has at some time or another. For some people it is very hard to find it. There are many meanings of happiness because not all people feel the same about the meaning of the word. My own personal definition of the word is when you find someone of something that gives your own life a purpose. Obviously that’s not the only reason why people feel happy. Another big thing is that happiness isn’t something you have to pursue, it needs to be something you want to pursue.
Happiness is not a strange term to us. We usually use that word to express our feelings in every day. Additionally, more than a word, “happiness” is what we really need and always seek in life. However, finding and understanding deeply its meaning is not easy. The online dictionary, “vocabulary.com” defines, “Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness.” Thus, we always wonder if we are happy or how could we be happier in our life. Happiness, therefore, becomes a goal for everybody.
Every individual has his definition of happiness according to his needs and preferences in life. It is, therefore, quite difficult to come up with a generalized definition of happiness. However, happiness can be defined as combining various satisfactions in life and experiencing more positive than the negative emotions (Elkrief 23). To be happy, individuals should use their strengths to ensure that they contribute to a larger purpose in life. That is why volunteers are happier than those whom they help because they have used their strengths to fulfill a better purpose in life.