
Death Penalty Exploratory Essay

Decent Essays

Empirical data has been used to show an abundance of socio economic necessities and the state of deliberation regarding the changing climate of ethical decisions deriving from the moral platitude of the United States and its condition/state of cultural is these same forays into the human mentality that prove the facts regarding why the death penalty is beneficial to our society. Through the use of statistics and statements of fact that are antithetic to the opposition of reducing the population through self-perpetrated penalties of death.
One of the largest motivators for the death penalty is the punishment of a severe crime or crimes the reason the prison system exists is the prevention of a crime something that the prison system is not always capable of ensuring. For example 67 percent of convicted offenders released are rearrested within 3 years add to that the magnitude of the crimes being that 41 percent of the re-offenses are violent crimes and another 39 percent are drug related crimes. The data makes a compelling argument for the permanent expungement of the perpetrators from society it calls for a death penalty.
The positive impact the death penalty has on society starts with budgetary issues, the United States has overcrowded, …show more content…

When a child loses its parent, does the child receive justice in the payment of the parent’s life for their crime? The most difficult balance of fact in support of the death penalty is the understanding that while beneficial to society the death penalty will always be sullied by the tragedy of the deceased. However, we the people must understand the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and

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