
Capital Punishment And The Death Penalty Essay

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Points of View

Capital punishment has been in effect for centuries, and the topic of the death penalty invokes massive controversy still to this day. According to the Death Penalty Information Center (2015), Lake Research Partners took a poll in 2010, based on “support for alternatives to the death penalty.” The outcome of the survey resulted with a mere 33% of Americans in favor of capital punishment, in contrast to the 61% that were in support of an alternative to the death penalty. The remaining 6% voted they had no opinion either way. Is capital punishment the reasonable means of reprimand for the murder of another human being? The Death Penalty: Approve or Oppose?

Now to consider, a couple notorious expressions immediately come to mind (cliché as they sound): "An eye for an eye?" Alternatively, "Two wrongs don 't make a right." Of those sayings, which is morally "correct" in this matter? Following is a quote from the mother of a murder victim upon being presented with the intended execution method (lethal injection) of her child 's slayer (Sarat, 2014, p. x), in which I unreservedly concur:

“Do they feel anything? Do they hurt? Is there any pain? Very humane compared to what they’ve done to our children. The torture they put our kids through. I think sometimes

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