
Death Of A Salesman Research Paper

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Reality and Illusion Human life consists of different experiences that affect a person and their contacts. Society always expects something from an individual. The influences of society on personal decisions indicate that people need to exercise controls to avoid drifting from their realities. Human beings conceal truths in their lives to maintain a positive image in society. The desire to achieve influential status forces people to resort to unrealistic means of survival. Although an individual can portray a positive reflection in society, The Death of a Salesman demonstrates that living an illusion is a desire to impress people and reluctance to adopt necessary changes in life. The Death of a Salesman represents the consequences of the inability to distinguish between reality and illusion. It is a tragic story presenting a businessperson who believes that a person’s physical qualities are the primary factors promoting success in business. The play presents Willy, a salesman, who utilizes illusion throughout his life. In fact, Willy influences his sons to believe in the same philosophy. Further, Biff’s character is a consequence of his father’s tendency of failing to distinguish between reality and illusion. Notably, Willy significantly influences Biff, moreover, this becomes clear when Biffs’ son attempts to describe Bernard. It …show more content…

In this case, Linda trusts her husband completely due to his demonstration of faithfulness (Miller 36). It is an illusion since Willy maintains a secret affair. Although Linda has no information about the cheating behavior, her belief in Willy demonstrates that she cannot differentiate reality from illusion in their relationship. Interestingly, Biff discovers his father’s irresponsible behavior but cannot gather the courage to inform his mother. In the play, Willy demonstrates his weakness by claiming that he is a successful

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