
Dear Mrs. Breed

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How do you deal with conflict, positively or negatively? Many people find ways to deal with conflict positively, but in the midst of conflict, many also deal with it negatively. As an example, Anne Frank dealt with conflict in a positive attitude even though she passed away in the end. The excerpts in, “Dear Mrs. Breed” also showed how the children in camps had positive outlooks on their own situation. It is better than dealing with conflict in a negative way. All around, a positive attitude gives you a better outlook on an issue.
The first example to show how conflict can be dealt with positively is Anne Frank. Anne Frank is a historical character and journalist from the time period of World War Two. Anne expressed her feelings about going into hiding from the Nazis in this excerpt from ‘Anne Frank First Read …show more content…

As an example I have used and examined the tragedy of the Titanic in 1912. Sadly, The titanic ship sank with over 2,200 people aboard prior to the tragic loss. In the scholastic writing of Anne Marie Welsh, states that many decided to take their own lives instead of dealing with the conflict ahead of them and fighting to stay alive. They also caused a wide spread of panic among the ship making it hard for people to stay calm and positive. This shows that dealing with conflict negatively can have a big toll on your life.
To conclude, it is strongly proven that having a positive outlook on conflict is better than dealing with conflict negatively. As you can see, Anne Frank had passed away but had a positive attitude and, many of the children from the Poston Relocation Center were expected to be miserable, but instead they looked at the beautiful scenery around them. And as for those aboard the titanic, they could have saved many lives if everybody stayed calm and positive. This is why having a better and positive attitude is better when it comes to

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