
Dead of September 11th Analytical Essay

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Analyse The Dead of September 11 The Dead of September 11 is deep poem that provokes many feelings and thoughts. There are many topics that are rather easy to delve in to. Throughout this essay, three of these literary techniques will be addressed and “delved into”, so to speak. These techniques are: diction, figurative language and tone. Throughout the following essay several large ideas and the theme of this poem will also be addressed, including but not limited to the universality of the poem and the absolute obliteration of falsities and of false intimacy. Tony Morrison has created a complex, captivating piece of literary art that can be viewed and be interpreted in many different ways, with each individual person who examines it …show more content…

Of course, that depends on where the dead are, which depending on your beliefs they can be just about anywhere, or everywhere. The harsh words “no words stronger than the steel that pressed you into itself” could be considered a metaphor between the worthiness and strength of words compared to the dead and that the dead are DEAD. There are no words that have the power to bring them back. The quote “No scripture older or more elegant than the ancient atoms you have become” could possibly be referring to how all the atoms in our body are recycled and ancient and that after our death, after our soul escapes our body, our body returns to being merely ancient atoms and when the soul is gone, no words can bring them back into the body, none can “reanimate” the ancient atoms until they are recycled into new living beings. The last technique or literary device is tone. The tone portrayed through this speaker is rather confusing. There are determined, frustrated and harsh aspects along with sad, useless and bittersweet emotions portrayed throughout this poem. The speaker was determined to speak to the dead, in a pure fashion, yet because of human nature, this is virtually impossible, which made the speaker frustrated. The tone was harsh because of some of the diction throughout. Yet, the tone saddened when the speaker said “and I have nothing to give you”. It made the tone come out as feeling useless and regretful. Finally, in the last bit, the tone was

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