
Day Reporting Centers

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According to Corrections Today, day reporting centers are facilities utilized in rehabilitating mostly offenders on probation, in providing assistance in counseling and social skills on a daily basis. The day reporting center is an intermediate sanction that is cost effective and serves as a punishment to the offender in a rehabilitative manner as well as displaying safety to the public (Siegel & Bartollas, 2014). The day reporting centers are a different method in rehabilitating and educating offenders versus historical methods of punishment imposed on people. In conjunction with day reporting centers, electric monitoring home detention programs were utilized in the 1980's and are increasing as both are intermediate sanctions (Sudipto & Barton, 2006). …show more content…

The characteristics that define daily reporting centers varies between areas and jurisdictions. What works well on the west coast would be different from the east coast as diverse methods and characteristics of people are different across the United States. Accountability of the offender is one of the many characteristics of daily reporting centers, where the offender meets with a supervising officer daily, and ascertains the hourly scheduled events that will take place (Siegel & Bartollas, 2014). This serves as a court-mandated punishment to the offender in lieu of spending time within a correctional facility and allows the offender a chance to grow as a responsible adult, based on the type of crime they have been convicted of. Certain services are provided to offenders that undergo day reporting centers as the services they receive are usually not permitted to offenders that do not belong to day reporting centers (Siegel & Bartollas,

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