
David Perdue: A Case Study

Decent Essays

The Committee is a Subcommittee called Conservation, Forestry, and Natural Resources. The Chairman is David Perdue. I think he was chosen because he is someone fresh. He replaced the seat of a retiree, Saxby Chambliss. Congress is currently mostly republican and Purdue is also a republican. This have him almost a foot in the door advantage. He also helped make Dollar General a large company, which was his main point that he’d be good at his job if appointed. I think his experience in large companies swayed the votes to help him win his chair. If a committee favors a bill, they have to do four things. First, they have to talk to the lead of their agency to have them look over and write comments on the bill. Then, they have people who are non-experts in their committee listen to the bill. Non-experts test the experts with questions the Senate might ask. Next, the committee meets again to perfect the bill, and non-committee members often try to influence the way it is written. Once perfected, …show more content…

While this may not seem so bad, it was worse than anyone would suspect. The outbreak in early July killed millions of birds. Both poultry that would be used as food, from the companies in the rural areas, and flocks considered to-be pets, even the wild ones that may have come in contact. The poultry retailers suffered greatly, and the outbreak put a serious downfall in the rural companies and the small economy surrounding it. Due to the outbreak, Chairman Roberts is going to look more into the way poultry and birds are being raised, for their living environment to the types of food to help stop harmful outbreaks like this in the future. Though this did not impact the health of humans or cause a danger to food, the loss of birds was catastrophic to the companies who lost them. Chairman Roberts is going to put more laws in place to protect flocks and herds of

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