
David Hume

Decent Essays

David Hume’s Empiricism
Sanket Thakkar
Oakton Community College

Every philosopher begins with the premises from which he bases his entire philosophical theory. Descartes rejects all the premises and holds innate into question. He withholds all the assumptions and only believes in things that can be proven. His goal in subjecting everything to methodical doubt is you don’t know it is true until you have the proof. Descartes begins by doubting his own existence and starts with the premise, “I think I am therefore I am”. He is not sure whether he exists or not but the fact that he is thinking is the proof that his mind exists. Descartes is Mind-Body dualist and although mind cannot exist without a body, he believes mind and body are …show more content…

Simple ideas are copy of a single direct experience/ impression for example, idea of Mount Everest. Complex ideas are combination of two or more copies of impressions/ experiences for example, idea of a golden mountain. You have an idea of gold color and you have an idea about mountain thus even though nobody has seen a golden mountain but you can have idea about a golden mountain. According to Hume, you only know what your experience will allow you to know. You cannot know more than what you can experience; knowledge is dependent and derivative of experience. He says God is complex idea we don’t have any proof about God’s existence or inexistence. This point of view of David Hume is completely different to Descartes who believes in God’s existence. According to David Hume, if we have idea of infinity that means we must have impression of infinite but we cannot touch or feel infinity thus infinity is not a simple idea. In order for infinity to be complex idea but we don’t have anything that is infinite so according to Hume, concept of infinity doesn’t exist. It is just pseudo idea that we have given name which has no relation to anything actual.
David Hume makes another distinction regarding object of cognition, anything that is thought about. All the object of human reason or inquiry may naturally be divided into two kinds, relation of ideas and matters of fact. David Hume uses the term “Matters of fact” is the kind of thing

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