
Weaknesses of Descartes' Arguments Essays

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Descartes was incorrect and made mistakes in his philosophical analysis concerning understanding the Soul and the foundation of knowledge. Yes, he coined the famous phrase, “I think therefore I am,” but the rest of his philosophical conclusions fail to be as solid (Meditation 4; 32). Descartes knew that if he has a mind and is thinking thoughts then he must be something that has the ability to think. While he did prove that he is a thinking thing that thinks (Meditation 3; 28), he was unable to formulate correct and true philosophical arguments and claims. For instance, his argument for faith that a non-deceiving God exists and allows us to clearly reason and perceive was a circular argument. Another issue with Descartes' philosophy …show more content…

Also, it is wrong to think that just because we can reason clearly that a non-deceiving God must be allowing us to do so. It is possible that this is just a natural occurrence in human beings because it is an intrinsic characteristic. Secondly, to even think to reconcile scientific and religious views is entirely inappropriate. Descartes was a dualist in that he divided reality into two distinctly different realms. He said that the mind, which is what he thought was the Soul and not a physical brain, existed on its own and that the body was just a perceived extension of the mind. While he said that the mind and the body were related, he proposed that the mind was not governed by the body and therefore maintained free will. On the other hand, Descartes believed that the body can only be studied and explained through science. The mind was capable of free will, which has a religious connotation in that it denotes that a higher force, or God, is not controlling the minds of humans but then their minds are in control of their bodies. Then, the body was a scientific vessel that was inhabited by the Soul, or the mind, for a temporary amount of time. Apparently, the mind could not be explained through science but rather religion whereas the body could only be explained and studied through science and not religion. Descartes' attempt at

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