
Darkness Possible: A Memoir Of Madness By William Styron

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I read, Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness by William Styron. This memoir is about Styron and his journey to and from unipolar depression. I chose this book to read because it seemed interesting to read about a novelist who went through depression. I do not know much about depression and I knew this would be a great book to read about depression since it has many great reviews and is Styron’s bestseller. Styron goes in detail of how he thinks his depression started and his path to recovery. Styron compares his battle of depression with Abraham Lincoln, writers Romain Gary, poet Randall Jarrell, and many more. Styron believes that there is a connection between suicide and depression and he attempts to prove his point by giving examples of …show more content…

77). Per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, some of the symptoms of depression include but not limited to: appetite change, sleep disturbance, decreased energy, tiredness, fatigue, sense of worthlessness, suicidal ideation, weight loss, dysphoria, anhedonia, guilt or worthlessness, and impaired concentration (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). I was astonished when I found out that Styron had these symptoms. Styron mentioned his symptoms throughout the book. Styron suffered from: panic, dislocation, pain, confusion, fantasy of self-destruction, loss of self-esteem, eating only for subsistence, sleep with complete absence of dreams, insomnia, exhausting, stalled, helpless, aggrieved, anxiety, unfocused dread, numbness, enervation, hypersensitive, and twitches (Styron, 2009). Styron quotes, “depression is much too complex in its cause, its symptoms and its treatment for qualified conclusions to be draw from the experience of a single individual” (Styron, 1990, p. 34). Styron proves this point by stating, most people who suffer from the illness are low in the morning. However, it is reverse for his situation, Styron feels completely fine and functions normally during the morning, and begins to see his onset of symptoms in midafternoon (Styron, 2009, p. 11, …show more content…

When Styron lost it, he was still confused and was asking himself if he intend to lost that money since he felt that he was not deserving of that prize. Styron did not seem to have any worries that he had lost the check, people were helping him find the check, however, Styron was just like it’s okay let's go home, he did not seem to care. Thankfully, someone had found the check right as Styron said that. I believe this is the scariest part of depression, looking the mental state that Styron was in (Styron, 2009). That amount of money is huge and a person can do a lot with that much money and Styron had no intention to even look for the check, it took me by

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