
Daktronics Case Analysis

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Daktronics Corporation Daktronics Corporation was founded in 1968. The company is a designer and manufacturer of electronic scoreboards and large displays for sports venues. Just few years ago, the company was the undisputed market leader with nearly 70 percent market share for the collage and professional sports venue for large displays. The company also produced integrated sound systems and hoist and rigging systems for a variety of entertainment and sports facilities. Recently, however, the company has seen a decrease in its market share and profitability due to changing market and increased competition. Daktronics main high-end competitors are Mitsubishi, Barco and Sony. All those are multibillion dollar companies with a great …show more content…

Since there are less events organized and construction and sports businesses demand for screens have decreased, Daktronics could possibly think of a less advanced, cheaper product that would attract customers and keep them competitive during this economic downfall. Overall, Daktronics is a company with a great potential, loyal customers and innovative technology, and all those aspects will help them get through the current crisis and get back their status of a market leader in the

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