
D2: Justify Ways of Overcoming Difficulties That May Arise When Implementing Anti-Discriminatory Practices in Health and Social Care Settings.

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Justify Ways of Overcoming Difficulties That May Arise When Implementing Anti-Discriminatory Practices in Health and Social Care Settings.
Try to find a case study to back up claims
Difficulties will always arise when trying to implement any new policy in an establishment, however some of the difficulties are easy to get over and some of them require more effort but eventually the promotion of anti-discriminatory practice should be taking place in all places of work.
When people have different upbringings then it can be difficult to make them see how some of the values they were raised with may be discriminatory (1), one way to attempt to overcome this could be by including various different examples of discrimination within …show more content…

In terms of health and social care, a care home may allow workers to have an input into what is included in the policy and making sure that it is clear to others what the policy is stating. All policies should also use a government defined definition of what discrimination is and then relate that to the

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