
Cyp 3.4

Decent Essays

Unit CYP 3.4 – Understand appropriate responses to accidents, incidents, emergencies and illness in school and during out of school activities
In our school we have policies and procedures in place in how to respond to accidents, incidents, emergencies and illness and procedures for reporting and recording these incidents.
If an accident does happen, and it results in an injury to a child, the teacher will do all she/he can to aid the child concerned. The school keeps first aid boxes in various locations around the school such as in our key stage one building we have a first aid box in the nursery kitchen, also in the breakfast club room. Key stage two building has a fist aid box stored in the first aid room and one in the …show more content…

In the incident book we record the date and time of the incident, nature of the event, who was affected, what was done by it- or if it was reported to the police if so the crime number. Any follow up, or insurance claim made, should also be recorded. As a school we comply with HSE regulations and report them to the health and safety executive. We had a security incident recently in our school there was two people standing at our school gates at lunch time a colleague of mine went and approached the people to find out what they wanted, it turned out it was just a parent wanting to give a child a teddy bear for their teddy bear picnic the parents were advised to go to the main office this incident was then reported to the head teacher and documented in the schools incident book.

In our school we have our emergency procedures displayed at specific points around the setting so that no matter where you are there is a copy within easy view such as the toilets or the main office waiting area. These procedures state what to do in the event of a fire or evacuation. We carry out regular fire drills so that the children know what to expect and also to help us identify any issues with our procedure. The dates and time taken to carry out fire drills are recorded. We had our practice fire drill recently in our school and I was playing with some children in the nursery garden and we did not hear the fire drill outside, so when we took the children to the fire assembly point,

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