IGN (InGame Name):
Date of application:
Age: 15
Country: United States Of America
Time zone: EST
InGame ranks (Mine rank and Donation Rank,only if you have one): Drought and EarthQuake on prison
1. Why do you want to be staff?: i believe I should be staff on this server because I've always wanted to. This is a really good server to start with because this is the most trusted and familiar server I play on. Also I have plenty of ideas I could bring to the server. Such as rank ideas and plugin ideas.
I think this is good server because everyone helps guide you especially staff and most people just make you want to play every day. I want to help players and give them a positive feeling when they start playing the server, and also I love helping people because if it gets them into the game CycloneNetwork gets more players. I would do the
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Describe how you think you could make a difference on CycloneNetwork as a Helper:
To make a difference in the network, I could bring my full potential to the network; I will put all of my work into this network, and use the proper punishments when it comes to a player acting irresponsible, and I would meet the staff expectations on being active. For example I will help new players with commands (I help people with commands anyway) and rules so they won't break them. I could bring all my understanding of the rules and use them to the players who need it the most, because I see players too often asking for help. I know how to guide and help players who need the assistance. But the main thing I can do to help out CycloneNetwork is being on when not many staff are on and players need help or they need questions answered. If I get promoted to helper, I can be on at these times when there are no mods or helpers on and help those players that need help to sort out players who not following the rules. As staff I will be providing help and to be there to players in need, if they are having any
When I was in Cyclone V1 staff members were kinda mean, at some points they would stop responding, but the thing was they weren't even AFK you can see them PvPing. I would never do that as a staff member I promise I will live up to my Rank, and NEVER - ever abuse my power. I am also very generous to people I used to give them money when they needed it that's probably why it took so long for me to rank up. I know how to stop scammers in their tracks, and how to get the truth. I can give advice to help people get the solution with no problems. Staff isn't just a thing that you should just get from doing nothing, it is something that is given to people who are trustworthy and deserve to be one. I know my responsibilities as a Staff, and I know just because I'm Staff I can't do whatever I want. If people need help with any problem I am there to help them. I can build to a certain extent. I can build small houses and a couple of other things, but sadly that's basically all. I like spending my time on the forums, responding to other peoples applications and giving them feedback to the best of my abilities. I make sure not to criticize them and not to make them feel bad. I like reading applications because it gives me insight into how a person handles different situations. I'm a very friendly person, and love chatting with people in chat and just talking to them. It would be a privilege too be a part of the Staff team on
I would love to be staff on this server because I have been playing on the server for two days and already I love the people they are so nice and respectful, but there are the few that are on when staff is not and they break rules or say hurtful things and are not punished for it and that is one of the reasons I would like to join is to make sure the people who want to have fun are capable of doing so with out the
I have had a little amount of experience in staff on multiple small servers, that have recently been shutdown for financial issues, although I have no proof of this I would be able to show this if I am Helper. My experience is very little but I know the insides and outs of Helping on Cyclone from my many years playing here, I have been here since Velocity and even played on the server that Dwizofoz was Admin on before he made Velocity. I have listed my past usernames in my introduction if any of you were wondering who I was. I have been given a lot of positive feedback from staff and other players which will continue to motivate me to do the right thing is all situations. Here's my experience:
I believe i would make a difference on this server because of my history helping on other servers. I have heard a lot of positive feedback on servers saying I am good at helping and that they love the work that I am doing. I believe I can make a big difference on the server and help out the staff as they are doing a great job
I have been playing on CycloneNetwork for maybe around 2 months? (I don't remember exactly, to be honest). I have silently observed how the community reacts to specific things (they don't like change too much... lmao) and observed how the staff function internally. Although I have been... bad... in my time at Cyclone, I truly do believe (and hope you do too!) that I can turn myself around and prove that I am a decent and helpful person.
i want to be staff to help the players in need, i will always answer there questions as good as i can and i want no problems with the server and i want everyone to have a fun time on the server,and i want to help to make sure that there is no hacking,spamming,swearing or anything like that, i want to help this server to be clean as much as possible,and i would also like to be staff to help other staff with the work and i want to give an example for the people and staff for this server as it is my favorite.I also want to be staff to make sure that this server keeps going fair like it has been for a while,and i would love to share my ideas with the staff.Also being staff is hard work and that's my i really really really want to be helper,not to just help the players but also to help the community
There are many reasons why I would like to be a staff, while I have played some days I see no Staff on the server, And there are people who spam chat with servers or people will abuse features or hack and scam as i as a regular player on the Cyclone Network cannot do anything about these problems/players. I really love this server and love the people on it, and I want everyone to have the experience I have had playing on the Cyclone Network server I don't want the server to be full of hackers, scammers, and abusers. If you ask most people who know me they will most likely say I am nice and caring, because
Do you have any previous experience ?:I really don't have much staff experience, but I know this will help the server out. I was once Moderator on RougeHCF it got 20-30 players a day and recently it got shut down. I was also a staff member on BubbleHCF it got like 20 players a day it was a pretty good server in till the owner could not pay for it anymore. I would really like to start a good staff experience on this server.
I believe that I can make a difference on Cyclone as a helper because I am always online (after school of course) and I am always there to answer anybody's questions if they have. I can also help by just talking with people because I enjoy talking and chatting and occasionally people wanna have a conversation but never have someone to do it with so I can just be there and help with that. I know quite a bit about the CycloneNetwork as a whole but its been so long and its updated quite a bit so I am still learning about some things but other than that I know most of what is on the CycloneNetwork.
Why do you believe you should be part of the staff team for CycloneNetwork? I'm very responsible and I've always love making rules be followed!
I also think that I could be like a person that goes around and just being supportive to everyone and making sure everything is ok in all separate servers through out the Server. I also like to communicate with members and have a decent conversation to maybe pick up there mode on how their day is going. 6. Have you ever contributed to MineSuperior before?
I want to be staff because people on prison are always asking simple questions like, how do I get to your plot to sell tokens or how do I set up my title. I always am helping people and being a helper is almost exactly what I do already. Ive always been jealous of people and I want to help people and make every CycloneNetwork member a more enjoyable time. This server is my favourite server to play on and I think its because of the awesome staff! And I wanna be a part of the staff that makes this server amazing for me! I know all the rules and most of the prison players know me. I've been been scamed before and lucky for me there was the best staff member on he helped me and banned the person that scammed me and gave me back everything I've lost.
Ok, let's get started. I want to become a staff member simply because I love to help people. I sometimes see people asking questions that unfortunately do not get answered. I strive to help people in need, whether if it is help for a command, information on the server, or in need of a staff member. I do my best even when I have limited power and impact on the players. With having a lot of experience with owning and being staff on servers under my belt, I will carry that over to this server and help you guys out! Personally, I think my leadership and decision making skills are great and can benefit the server in many ways. While striving to be a role model to the players, I do not cuss, swear, refer to inappropriate things. I have ways of interrogation for when I think members are hacking/modding and have crafty ways of "tricking" them into admission of hacking!
I feel as if this server has a lot of potential. It already has great staff, great, organization, and more. If you just got a few youtubers to advertise here, this server could be as good as any other popular server within weeks. I know that sounds selfish a bit, but generally, I want to be a part of an amazing, growing community. Every player makes a difference wanting other users to join. My main reason for wanting to become staff on VapourHQ is because I really want to help out and spend time with the staff here, and ensure that this community keeps on growing every day.
I would like to become a staff of this server because I love watching people have fun meeting new friends and just having fun but... There are bad sides to this... There are hackers. So I think that I have what it takes to become a helper and get rid of spammers, hackers and people who just make the server an unpleasent place to be I believe I can fix this. I am on minecraft a lot because I am a no-life I am on this server a lot too. I am fully dedicated 24/7 to helping this server to grow even bigger and be the positively best server ever (which it already is). I also, as mentioned before, have a LOT of experience screen sharing people and I think that there are not currently enough staff on this great server. There are also few staff on-line in my time zone, meaning that hackers can get away with hacking during English day time, and I wish to fix this by becoming staff and helping out.