Social Media
According to a recent study, it was shown that the average internet user has 5.54 social media accounts on various platforms. This ranges from picture sharing websites like Instagram to video sharing websites like YouTube. However, what really matters is what we do on those social media platforms.
While many people use social media responsibly, others ruin the experience by bringing in hate from their own life and sharing it with others. A recent study proves that 7 in 10 people between the ages of 13 and 22 have been cyberbullied during at least one point of their lives; including my own brother. When my brother was in 8th grade, a group of his classmates ganged up on him and wrote some very offensive comments on one of his Instagram posts. He was very offended by the fact that somebody would take time out of their life, just to make
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Cyberbullying is not the truth because it is just what a person/ a group of people think. It is merely their opinion and unless they have hardcore facts to back it up, it is not true.
Is it fair to all concerned?
It is not fair to all concerned because there are people getting hurt by what these people are doing and really
Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
Cyberbullying is terrible because it will cause heartbreak and will make people feel like they are nothing. Cyberbullying can hurt the bully and the victim because if colleges find out that you were a cyberbully, they can deny your admission, even if you have a perfect SAT score and a 4.0 GPA. Also, 30% of children and teens have gone on to self-harm as a result of bullying and 10% of children and teens have attempted to commit suicide as a result of bullying.
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Like I said before, cyber bullying is not beneficial to anyone, neither the bully or the victim. Although taking cheap shots or “roasting” your peers might make you popular for a short time, it doesn’t last and it does more bad than
Cyberbullies can attack anyone more than normal because the bully doesn’t see the effect of the bullying. As “What is Cyberbullying states”, “The lack of immediate emotional feedback in cyberbullying allows an aggressor to often continue the hurtful behaviors unchecked.” This can lead to even more hurtful comments than a normal bullying situation.
Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are huge contributors to cyberbullying. These social network sites grant their members the privilege to engage in the actions of the attacker which is a menace. A majority of the cyberbullied population have committed suicide due to the abusive comments. Cyberbullying has gone into a hyper drive with new devices and faster types of social media.
Cyberbullying is different than the other forms of bullying because it can happen day and night, the victim gets bullied in person and online, and the victim has a hard time getting away from the behavior
Why are Cyber bullying and Social Networking sites becoming more and more Harmful? Abraham Forman’s article on “Social Networking Sites Can Be Forums for Cyber bullying” by: Abraham Fox man. Abraham Fox man explains why Cyber bullying/Social Networking Sites have been a threat for teenagers and children (par.1), and why teenagers are the cause. Abraham Fox man tells us that teenagers are the only ones going around spreading stories/”rumors about classmates”/neighbors (par.1.).”Cyber bullying has become a real threat”. (par.1) also “the Internet has” “created racist forums” and communities (par.1). He states that “hate has always been with
Teens might think that they aren't as pretty or nice or cool all because of what people are saying online. This might make kids feel like they aren't good enough for the world. The site (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. states, "Bullying, no matter whether it is traditional bullying or cyberbullying, causes significant emotional and psychological distress. In fact, just like any other victim of bullying, cyberbullied kids experience anxiety, fear, depression, and low self-esteem." A child with low self esteem isn't safe or good for them. They might never think they are good enough all because of cyberbullying that has lowered their self
"The internet is always a willing listener, at any time of day or night." says Rachel Drentzin. There are multiple internet dangers. There are many reasons why people should be careful wile using social media. First, never allow anyone to continually cyberbully you. Secondly, never share too much information over social media. Finally, don't fall into the trap in which is sexual predators. If you follow these rules, you will be a safe social media user.
Why is cyberbullying so hurtful? Its can be worse than regular face to face bulling. Because it can happen at any time anywhere which makes you feel unsafe everywhere. It is generally anonymously. So that makes you more on edge. The whole thing about cyberbullying is it messes with you mentally which can break a person. Suicide is very high because of cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is more important than you think, it is how most kids get bullied. Only 1 out of 10 kids tell their parents. About 90 percent of teens just ignore it making them less easy to get bullied again.
There’s not a legitimate reason for cyber bullying. Many perpetrators bully just to get a reaction. It’s common for them to bully another just to boost their ego. It makes the tormentor feel in charge. Some may think it’s humorous to tease and make fun of others and that it’s not harmful in any way. The reality is being bullied can cause many problems for children and teenagers.
Cell phones, bad or good. According to Andrew Levy for the daily mail “Mobile phones have 18 times more bacteria than a toilet” That's gross, but that isn’t all.
Cyberbullying is a very dangerous thing. It can have emotional and physical consequences on the victim. It can also hurt the upstander as they might be bullied next. The effects reach more than the victim. It might affect the victim's friends,family and community.
Cyber bullying is dangerous regardless the way it is done. When I was younger, I experienced it myself some of the other girls would pick on me through name calling, pushing and making rumors about me that weren 't true. Teens will find anything to pick on about which would be through their idea of a slight imperfection weight, sexual orientation, disablement and looking different some will take it too far to the point the bullied child wants to commit suicide and that is the reason for this essay to make people aware and help stop things like this from happening.
Bullying has been around since the beginning of time. Parents may remember when they were kids and the bully would pick on them or their friends by stealing lunch money or just getting beat up, and that was the end of it. The victims remember the hurt, frustration, and sadness it caused. However, these days, bullying is not just happening on the playground or at the bus stop, it is happening on the Internet and on cell phones, making it possible to bully a child 24 hours a day with multiple bullies and thousands of kids watching. Cyberbullying follows children nonstop and into the safety of their house. Sometimes kids are afraid to inform their parents about the cyberbullying that they will think its there fault. Or that their parents will call the bullies parents or other parents, making the bullying worse. However, the effect and pain that comes from cyberbullying is real. People underestimate cyberbullying, just because it is happening online and not in person. Cyberbullying can lead to many different factors like drinking, and drugs, poor grades, depression, eating disorders. Many students have even taken their own lives because of another student saying something to them online. Cyberbullying has been taking place a lot more in middle and high schools because of the increased usage of social media networks and technology. Cyberbullying is worse and more harmful than traditional bullying.
Cyber bullying is quite different from the old traditional bullying. The traditional bullying has a combination of physical abuse, verbal abuse, and emotional abuse. While in cyber bullying it would just be emotional and verbal abuse because the person being bullied doesn’t get physically hurt. The traditional bullying would be face to face usually on school grounds during the school day, and it would have a smaller audience. Cyber bullying is at school and at home, all day, everyday either by the form of a text message, or chat room, or on social networking websites, and it has a large audience, for example if somebody posted on your wall on facebook everybody can see it and then people will comment and it will be a lot of people.
Another effect cyberbullying can have is severe negative impacts on mental health. Mental health meaning how someone see’s themselves, it could be their anxiety, or even effect how they start to think about someone or certain things. People who have anxiety sometimes have a hard time coping with certain events or situations. I myself have social anxiety. I get very nervous when I know I’ll have to interact with someone I don’t know. A person going through cyberbullying is probable to feel more alone, all the while someone they may or may