
Customer Analysis: Sony: SWOT Analysis Of Sony

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Sony is successfull in acquiring licenses and patents for building strategic partnerships and business development. Sony is licensed to use not only local Japanese patents; in fact, Sony is even more successfull in obtaining licenses to use international (foreign) patents. Another interesting point is that Sony can still use some other patents even without legally owning them.
Reputation of brand name and corporate image. Sony is a globally well-known brand name and it is illogical to question the top quality of the products and services. Regarding the products, I always found the functionality and design very appealing. Regarding the services, Sony is famous for its post-purchase services. Contacts are always kept with every client and warranty are available for products sold. Finally, Sony works hard to support customer information centers in its biggest markets.
As a global brand, Sony is very successfull in expanding its business network and already covers more than 200 countries.
Finally, Sony has an effective supplier management system. The corporation has …show more content…

Nowadays, it takes just a few minutes for a customer to make research and evaluate competitors. Customer reviews provide others with valuable insights. The point here is that this decreases switching (transaction) costs for customers to switch from Sony to Apple, for example, and vice versa. As it was mentioned earlier, customers are sensitive to prices and price elasticity of demand is high. The most important thing that matters to customers is price, not quality, because all of big players offer very similar products in terms of design and functionality. More customers prefer buying online, and this pushes down switching (transaction) costs even further. To summarize, buyers have the power to influence Sony directly because they can easily switch to competitors; but also indirectly, through exchange rates, as Sony is all about international

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