Humanity has had a long relationship with drugs and alcohol, so long that Stone Age beer jugs dating back to 10,000 BC have been discovered. Some historians argue that beer predates bread as a staple of human consumption (Hanson, 2013, Para. 1). As the centuries passed alcohol and drugs became ingrained in the early cultures of recorded history, the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and early Christians all utilized mind-altering substances in ceremony and celebration (Hanson, 2013, Para. 3). Today, drugs and alcohol still play an active role in societies around the world. Yet, governments in the majority of these societies have strict prohibitions against certain drugs, and limitations on the use of alcohol (Ratliff, 2014, Para. 2). …show more content…
2, Para. 3). In addition to stimulants and depressants there are hallucinogens, opioids, inhalants, and cannabinoids. These classes contain drugs that either stimulate or depress, and in some instances may exhibit both (Types of Drugs, 2013, Para. 4, Para. 5, Para. 6). Controlled substance is a term given by governments and agencies to label drugs that have a high probability of abuse (Get Informed, 2014, Para. 1). Controlled substances are then divided into two categories, drugs that have useful medical purposes, and drugs that do not have useful medical purposes. The substances with medical value are scheduled depending on their potential for abuse, whereas substances with no medical benefit are considered illegal. Prescription drugs are considered controlled substances that have a medical benefit, some of which are scheduled narcotics (Get Informed, 2014, Para. 2, Para. 3). This provides a legal avenue for individuals to become exposed to the affects of drugs, which can lead to abuse and potentially addiction. The word addiction traces its origin back to the Latin term for, “enslaved by or bound to” (Understanding Addiction, 2014, Para.1). This is an accurate description, as addiction usurps regular brain functions turning them against the user. Regardless of the stimulant human brains naturally release the
There are several theories of addiction. All of them are imperfect. All are partial explanations. It is for this reason that it is important to be aware of and question addiction theories.
For better or worse, many societies of the modern world tolerate certain methods of self-intoxication. Despite the possibility of negative consequences, all the cultures of the world the consumption of substances like alcohol and tobacco are sanctioned under particular circumstances. All societies face the reality that significant proportions of mankind seek to the same time expressly criminalizing others. This irony is made more bizarre by the evidence that a myriad of rich cultural timelines can supply to demonstrate that there is reasonable historical precedence in existence to show the use of alternative forms of drugs being cultivated and utilized.(McKenna)
These categories are Natural remedies such as eating fruits for constipation, Over-the-counter drugs which can be legally bought without a prescription such as Tylenol, Prescription drugs which is an order written by a doctor to a pharmacist which can be many things used for many things, Tobacco products which contain nicotine such as cigars, Alcohol such as beer rum or wine, Illegal drugs which are substances that cannot be legally bought such as weed, and last but not least unrecognized drugs which can be found in products not classified as drugs such as
: A controlled substance is any drug, prescription or illegal. That has the potential for abuse or addiction. For the public’s protection, controlled substances come under a category of prescription drugs that contain and elevated level of restrictions. In 1970 controlled substances act established the (DEA) Drug Enforcement Administration, under the department of justice, which maintains oversight of the legally prescribed drugs, used narcotics drugs and for containment of illegal drugs. This was put in to effect to implement controls on drugs that are commonly abused by society, controlled prescriptions provided for the drugs, and prescribers are required to be registered with an individual (DEA) numbers.
When discussing drugs, there are different types. The first type is narcotics. Narcotic are drugs that are being used. Kazenback states, “Narcotics is a substance that induces sleep, dulls the senses, or relieves pain” (p.212). Within the federal law narcotics include opiates and cocaine. Marihuana is also considered a narcotic in some states (Kazenback, p.212).
Across all addictions, there is a central theory as to how such an addiction can occur. The common mechanism of all addictive substances is the activation of the brain’s “reward system”, made up of dopaminergic neurons of the midbrain and their extensions to the limbic system ( This system is normally used in advancing evolutionary fitness promoting activity, such as sex, food, or social interactions ( In such normal natural behaviors, the reward system activity is relatively brief and weak. However, addictive substances abuse the system’s circuitry, causing
The use of substances for physical, mind and social advantage has been around since the beginning of documented history. Contemporary use of prescription medication for these advantages has led to a national epidemic of substance abuse. Health care providers need to recognize the disease process of addiction in order to effectively combat the growing epidemic of substance use disorders (SUD). Strategies to decrease the prevalence and incidence of SUD include defining addiction, understanding epidemiology, evaluating treatment options and decreasing stigmatism associated with SUD.
Stimulants drugs are ‘a class of drugs that elevate mood, increase feelings of well-being, and increase energy and alertness.’ (The National Institute on Drug Abuse, Drug Facts Stimulants, 2013) This types
Prevention methods for substance abuse are taught to children as early in their kindergarten years and follow throughout their lifetime. Current programs available are school-based programs, parent and family, work programs and community and public media campaigns.
Substance abuse and addiction have become a social problem that afflicts millions of individuals and disrupts the lives of their families and friends. Just one example reveals the extent of the problem: in the United States each year, more women and men die of smoking related lung cancer than of colon, breast and prostate cancers combined (Kola & Kruszynski, 2010). In addition to the personal impact of so much illness and early death, there are dire social costs: huge expenses for medical and social services; millions of hours lost in the workplace; elevated rates of crime associated with illicit drugs; and scores of children who are damaged by their parents’ substance abuse behavior (Lee, 2010). This paper will look at
A medicine or other substance that when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body, which has an physiological effect on the body.
Alcohol abuse is a serious problem, driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs is an even bigger problem that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Abusing either one of these substances can lead to the death of you or the death of someone else or even cause a major change in their life like Jacqueline’s story, her whole life has been changed because of another person’s ignorance and carelessness. Therefore, you should know the facts about drug and alcohol abuse before you do something you may regret for the rest of your life.
Addiction is defined as an overuse of any substance that changes the natural chemical balance of the brain. It is generally agreed upon that addiction includes biological, psychological, and behavioral factors.
Drugs are heavily used throughout the entire world. However, it is important to understand and not undermine the variability in which drugs are used. It is clear some are for distinct medical treatment and others are for recreational use. In the United States, marijuana has been and continues to be a very controversial drug. Some states have allowed marijuana consumption for medicinal purposes, while others have completely outlawed the drug. Those who are against the legalization and regulation of marijuana suggest the economical and health risk associated with consumption of the drug are too high. Although there is risk involved with the legalization of the marijuana, our country has already been risking too much banning the drug.
The general perspective that is in mind when drugs are presented, they are thought to be used recreationally(or for productivity), traditionally, for spiritual/religious gratification or for