
Curanderismo In Careless Me Ultima

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As human beings, one is often filled with apprehension and unease when introduced to something that is hard to understand, “Curanderismo is a diverse folk healing system of Latin America. It began with the Aztecan, Mayan, and Incan tribes and their religious beliefs of harmony with nature, spirit, and self. The Mexican Indians had many gods; they believed that their gods punished sins with illness” (Padilla). This practice is centuries old and a synthesis of the beliefs and culture of the Mexican Indians at that time and was used as a pardon to their gods until the church was implemented and changed that idea entirely. Curanderismo since the beginning has broken the number one commandment, “I am the Lord your God and you shall not have strange …show more content…

Despite Antonio’s parents respecting Ultima and defending her in every instance of danger, everyone in Las Pasturas sees her as evil or callous unless she has done something to help someone who was dying, “Generally, Ultima’s warfare against evil is gratefully received by those who benefit from her services” (Derby). It demonstrates how people in their society only care for what will help them in their personal lives. Which is extremely hypocritical because the eighth commandment states, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” If everyone is quick to accuse and crucify Ultima at any given time without any solidified proof they are going against the teachings of the Catholic church. It would be expected that the Priest would stand up for an innocent woman but instead he stands back and keeps his distance, “The priest at El Puerto did not want the people to place much faith in the powers of la curandera. He wanted the mercy and faith of the church to be villagers’ only guiding light” (97). The priest allowed for people to hunt Ultima down and speak ill of her only for the church’s benefit and if it is the house of God, one would imagine these actions would be frowned

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