American educations are not only failing behind in education but also in cultural diversity of equality and communication. The education does not really focus on the child academic skills but subject matter.
Groups of children with same race seat with their same race peers. They don’t usually involve with different race interaction communication even for highhscoolers. I have never have a teacher explained me what was diversity when I was in elementary or middle school. I didn’t really know that there were different beliefs, traditions going on around the world by the time I was in middle school. I do not know if it is because there are many negative stereotypes out there differentiate races and belief. Teachers should at least try to
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It is something that should begin at home and at school in an n early age.
School don’t even talk about ho genders are unique, and now children at early age cannot see the difference. Education such as fair and unfairness, respect, and personal identity should be something that needs to be thought at home and at school. Children should be able to know their value of their uniqueness, value of being instinct.
Same as language, and skills. Children should be more involve in extracurricular activities when the child will develop his personality and shape their attitude before middle school. A child brain by the age of 7 is so active. That age is the time for a child to learn as many things he or she can before experiencing stress. Elematry school student should have a number of extraculalr activities to develop their brain.
The American education is behind comparing the other countries. By the helps of the parents, in helping the child gaining lifetime skill and doing educational work, the child can be on a higher level than other students with same grade
Education in America is one of the most important issues that face our nation. If the education in America is not thought of one of most serious issues we face, our nation as a whole will fall. There are many debates and they seemly extend to all walks of life. The debates range from the decline in education, school vouchers, and the no child left behind law. As a nation, the United States is ranked above others. We must search for that solution to all of the pro’s and con’s in education. The solution should allow all walks of life to excel in the education realm. After all, the children of today will be the leaders of tomorrow.
America used to thrive on its education system and that is why it became one of the greatest nations in the world. Education is the backbone of our country, and we must give high priority to improve its current condition. Unfortunately, in the past couple of decades, the education system has been regressing. It has been on the decline and not as effective. The quality of education in a country has an influence on GDP growth, social cohesion and social well being in general. In order to improve the quality of education in the U.S., the following must be taken into consideration: the structure of our education system must be reanalyzed, we must compare and contrast our education system to systems of other countries with higher rankings, and finally, there must be a solution.
Nowadays the United States is not known for their educational system. Countries like South Korea, Japan, and Singapore have surpassed the United States buy large margins, in terms of educational success. While other countries are constantly revolutionising their education system, the United States’ education system has not changed in decades, leaving the U.S. unsuccessful. The U.S. continues to fall behind these same countries that are thriving. Due to the fact that the U.S. education system not developing as time went on, leaving them now with a multitude of flaws. The gap between the educated and non-educated, along with the length of how long students are in elementary and high school, are two consequential problems in the United States’ educational system that need to be addressed.
There was a time when America’s education system was top-notch according to the culture and society. With time, a myriad of things has changed, but unfortunately what has not evolved is the American education system. The country is still following a system which was not designed for the current global economic climate. Equality, as positive as it sounds is not as sufficient when it comes to education. The system treats students equally yet expect a similar culmination and outcome. Every child has his individuality and distinct abilities; one cannot judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree. Conversely, a few of the prominent reasons why the education system is failing are overcrowded schools, the rise of technology, and following the same old school hours.
The United States is one of the best country in many areas such as technology and health care or education, but compared with other develop nations, the united states education system is still behind many country including United Kingdom, Japan, China. America’s standards of education are far lower than several other countries, because the American public education systems is less effective, students are lack of motivation to learn. According to Michael Moore, in the book Idiot Nation, and John Taylor Gatto in Against School, they argue that the education system in the United States is deeply flawed. America’s schools having a poor curriculum, many facilities are in bad conditions and lack of resources that students need to learn. The
The United States of America used to be known as one of the greatest countries to be apart of. From the jobs to the economy to education people loved to be apart of the American culture. The problem many Americans are facing today is poor education. Since America is viewed as a high profile country many people have prominent expectations on what they are receiving, specifically the education. The fact is that there are major problems with all levels of the education system today. Starting with early education, teachers are quick to say children needs to be medicated or put into special education. Proceeding to the general or high school education where kids are graduating but not prepared for what’s after. Lastly how higher education or college can hardly be afforded in today’s society. As a result of the failing education system, many parents blame the child or society when in actuality the failing system is corrupted by some teachers, lack of preparation, and lack of affordability in higher education.
The American Education System is not meeting the needs of current students. If anything, the system is not building a sturdy foundation for the future working class. Schools have existed for many years and every period they have worked differently. However, every school’s main purpose was to educate students to be efficacious later in life. Modern day schools are corrupting students with added pressure, standardized tests, making less accommodations for special education students, not following laws, and take away individualism from the students’. The students of modern times are the people of our future and the future does not look too bright with the current American Education System.
What is it that’s making our country suffer from excelling in education? Very few would argue about the importance of our education system today. Issues such as lazy teachers, lack of parent involvement, and teaching useless information in class may hinder progress in today’s education system. An education plays a crucial role and is an essential tool, unfortunately, with all the jaded judgments; our students are not able to value their education. A proper education can open the doors to many opportunities that would have never been possible if it had not been for the knowledge and preparation that one received while in school. With the growing economy and desperate times, it is more important than ever for our country’s children to receive the proper education and training that is needed to allow them to acquire a good job and produce the revenue needed to live. Today's education system is flawed in many ways, and these flaws should be eliminated to ensure a good education for our future generation.
The American education system has many flaws. It is becoming more and more ineffective. To society, school is a competition especially in colleges and universities. People care so much about the grade they get that they forget the real reason why we even go to school; to learn. All everyone cares about is the grade that we receive. It has become so bad that we have lost sight in what’s really important; our growth as humans. We are taught that we need to get good grades in order to go to a good college, we are constantly judged on how well we do on tests using a grading, and most of the material being taught to us doesn’t even prepare us for what’s in store in the real world.
The American Education System is not meeting the needs of current students. If anything, the system is not building a sturdy foundation for the future working class. Schools have existed for many years and through the years they have worked differently. However, every school’s main purpose was to educate students to be efficacious later in life. Modern day schools are corrupting students with added pressure, making fewer accommodations for special education students, and take away individualism. Along with those are problems comes numerous others. The students of modern times are the people of our future and the future does not look too bright with the current American Education System.
American education has been in decline since 1970’s and into the Post-Cold War era in comparison to other OECD nations (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Since then, the U.S. has chosen to standardize two major factors in American education: what gets taught, and how kids get assessed (Townsend, 2013). Scores from PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), a test that compares educational levels across nations found that, out of 34 countries the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math, far behind the highest scoring countries like Finland (USAToday, 2010). It would be difficult to pinpoint any one issue as the sole problem with American education, because the educational system does
Are we lacking something in our education system? If so, what is it? If our system is failing, we need to find why it is, before we place our youth at a great risk in the global market. America needs to keep American youth at an equivalent academic level as the Asian and European nations.
The American system of education is failing to develop critical thinking in children while also teaching them to be dependent and submissive to a higher authority. In this system, American children are being viewed as educational machines in a social hierarchy where they are at the bottom while also only being taught surface level information of any subject. American education instills in children a mentality where children have a fear of failure, lack confidence, have no passion for learning, while also losing their independence and ability to problem solve. All these issues which come from our education system lead to lower test scores compared to other developed countries and the eventual slowdown of economic progress.
Education takes a big role here in America. Without education, you won 't live a good life, won 't get a good job, and you overall, won 't be very happy. But there are many problems circulating education. Many people don 't want to fund certain child education places and are eliminating them The other half however, are hoping Obama makes two free years of college for students. Many people are fighting over how to solve this problem but the more disagreements they make, the more problems they have. But it 's not caussing problems for them, they are causing problems for the kids.
Have you ever wondered why our country is ranked low in comparison to other countries when it comes to education? Our country is said to be the best country in the world; yet when one takes a closer look on our system, defects are bound to be found. Take a look at our education for instance. We have the least productive schools in the nation. The truth is that the board of education has dumbed down the system due to a decrease in testing averages.