
Cultural Diversity In American Education

Satisfactory Essays

American educations are not only failing behind in education but also in cultural diversity of equality and communication. The education does not really focus on the child academic skills but subject matter.
Groups of children with same race seat with their same race peers. They don’t usually involve with different race interaction communication even for highhscoolers. I have never have a teacher explained me what was diversity when I was in elementary or middle school. I didn’t really know that there were different beliefs, traditions going on around the world by the time I was in middle school. I do not know if it is because there are many negative stereotypes out there differentiate races and belief. Teachers should at least try to …show more content…

It is something that should begin at home and at school in an n early age.

School don’t even talk about ho genders are unique, and now children at early age cannot see the difference. Education such as fair and unfairness, respect, and personal identity should be something that needs to be thought at home and at school. Children should be able to know their value of their uniqueness, value of being instinct.
Same as language, and skills. Children should be more involve in extracurricular activities when the child will develop his personality and shape their attitude before middle school. A child brain by the age of 7 is so active. That age is the time for a child to learn as many things he or she can before experiencing stress. Elematry school student should have a number of extraculalr activities to develop their brain.
The American education is behind comparing the other countries. By the helps of the parents, in helping the child gaining lifetime skill and doing educational work, the child can be on a higher level than other students with same grade

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