
Cuban Missile Crisis Analysis

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The Cuban Missile Crisis, also known as the Missile Scare, was a 2 week period in October of 1962 that was a result of increasing tensions amongst the United States and the Soviet Union. Tension between the US and the USSR is not new and is known as the Cold War, often stated to be a period between 1945 until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Intelligence gathered over the span of couple months all seemed to lead to the common conclusion that the Soviet’s are installing offensive nuclear weapons that will be able to reach continental US in mainland Cuba. The “initial” spark seemed to be the awfully failed attempt to invade Cuba, also known as the Bay of Pigs invasion under the Kennedy administration, and the presence of American Jupiter Ballistic missiles in Turkey and Italy. What is interesting about the Cuban Missile crisis is how the Kennedy administration confronted the issue. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, the top military officials of the United States pushed for a full on invasion, which could trigger a world wide nuclear war. Kennedy wanted to avoid a full on confrontation, making him seem “intelligent but weak”. In the film, Thirteen Days, based off the memoir of Robert F. Kennedy, Thirteen Days, where Robert wrote about his point of view of the Cuban Missile Crisis, revealed how complex and mentally demanding it was to resolve and dissipate tensions with the Soviet Union without causing World War III. Photographic intelligence taken by a spy plane going over mainland Cuba revealed about 40 intermediate range ballistic missiles capable of reaching continental United States. There were 3 options; diplomatic talks and international pressure, a blockade, or a full on invasion. The Joint Chiefs of Staff pushed for a full on invasion, meanwhile the Kennedy’s pushed for a less aggressive move. EXCOMM, the Executive Committee of the National Security Council composing of the NSC and key advisors the President hand picked, met in the White House during the crisis to discuss how to proceed on the issue. The film revealed how much the Joint Chiefs of Staff disliked Kennedy’s methods and how much they wished to act on their own. Nuclear missile tests were conducted independent of the oval office, seen

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