
Cuban Missile Crisis Dbq

Decent Essays

World War III is an alarming event to ponder on right? Especially if that war would be nuclear. This event almost happened on multiple occasions, but this is going to be about a nerve-racking time in 1962. What happened in 1962 you may ask? The Cuban Missile Crisis. Just as the year was coming to an end an American spy plane took pictures of missiles in an island 103 miles off the coast of Florida, Cuba. Can theorize who put the missiles there? The USSR put them there because Cuba was a neighboring communist country to the US, so if the US were to do something the USSR could shoot the missiles. Mind you, these weapons are nuclear and as we should all know that is never excellent. After this very stressful time for the US and the USSR how did …show more content…

During this time Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the USSR during this time, and John F. Kennedy, the president of the US also during this time, were scared of the thought too. As said in Document A it states, “We are willing to remove from Cuba the [missiles]” this means that Mr. Khrushchev wouldn’t have made this claim unless he didn’t want any conflict with the US. See if he did want conflict he would have kept the missiles in Cuba. This is extremely vital to the idea of the Cuban Missile Crisis not ending in an incident because if Mr. Khrushchev didn’t remove the nuclear missiles then a nuclear World War III would’ve broken out. We would be living in a nuclear wasteland. If we would be alive that …show more content…

That’s what Mr. Kennedy did once he found out that the Soviets had missiles in Cuba. Mr. Kennedy put the Military in DEFCON 2. What is DEFCON you may ask and why is it a big deal if it is a lower number? DEFCON stands for defense readiness condition, with DEFCON 5 meaning to be ready and DEFCON 1 meaning nuclear war is coming. You could imagine this was terrifying for the military because this is the first time DEFCON 2 was called. Also DEFCON 2 was only called twice, during this time period and 29 years later in the first week of the Gulf War. Document D is a political cartoon of the missiles that both the US and USSR have stocked up, but with a sign on both supplies that states, “ON NO ACCOUNT TO BE USED - BECAUSE THE ENEMY MIGHT RETALIATE”. This means that both superpowers are ready, it’s just both of them know if one of the countries attack the other that action will start a war. This contributes the question of how the missile crisis in Cuba end without incident because this could have told the opposing side, “We are ready to go to war if you are.” and be frightening. Maybe they tried to go for that reverse psychology vibe to have the other country back

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