
Csw Core Competencies

Decent Essays

Write about CSWE core competencies and practice behaviors as they apply.
Empathy, caring, and concern for clients or residents.
Respectful of diversity among the residents and learning about diverse residents.
Personal values, beliefs, and perspectives that are compatible with the agency’s mission and compatible with the NASW Code of Ethics.
Committed to achieving social justice and non-judgmental toward clients and colleagues. (Garthwait, 2014, p.4-6)
Motivation to Learn:
Open to new learning experiences and to take on new responsibilities as assigned and given.
Improving self-awareness and professional competence in the practicum.
Using supervision to help improve skills and competence at all levels.
A sense of calling to the profession …show more content…

Ability to follow through and complete assigned tasks each week.
Ability to quickly process information, understand new concepts, and think outside the …show more content…

Ability to solve problems creatively and effectively and identify needs.
Self-confidence in professional relationships with clients and colleagues. (Garthwait, 2014, p.5)
Knowledge of the laws, rules, regulations, and policies of the agency.
Learning and using the assessment tools, methods, and interventions used by the agency.
Self-awareness of how one’s values, beliefs, experiences impact work and other people.
Knowledge of the community context of the agency. (Garthwait, 2014, p.6)
Prior Experience Related to the Practicum:
Caring for family members as a caregiver.
Years of experience helping a disabled nephew and a close friend.
Prior dementia training classes and worked as a home health aide.
Prior CNA training and classes.

Garthwait, C. L. (2014). The Social Work Practicum: A Guide and Workbook for Students (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Nursing Home Alert (2017). Wandering and Elopement. Retrieved from RCM&D Corporate Blog (2014, Apr. 30). Slipping Away: The Risks of Elopement in a

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