
Crystal Methamphetamine-Free World

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Amphetamine, first synthesized in 1887 in Germany, “was for a long time, a drug in search of a disease.” ("History of Methamphetamine.") In 1919 a stronger substance was formed in Japan. ("History of Methamphetamine.") This new substance was soluble making it easier to inject. ("History of Methamphetamine.") During World War II methamphetamine use skyrocketed, both the Allies and Axis were using it to keep their troops awake. ("The History of Crystal Methamphetamine - Drug-Free World.") “High doses were given to Japanese Kamikaze pilots before their suicide missions.” ("The History of Crystal Methamphetamine - Drug-Free World.") Then after the end of the war usage of methamphetamine by injection became rampant when supplies for the Japanese army became publically available. …show more content…

Because of the excess amount of methamphetamine the Japanese people were able to obtain it easily and more than likely cheaply because even the demand was high, the supply was high to so the equilibrium was off. Then in the 1950s methamphetamine was prescribed to help fight depression and aid in weight loss. ("The History of Crystal Methamphetamine - Drug-Free World.") This also created a situational factor that influenced an epidemic with methamphetamines now being used by college students, truck drivers, and athletes. ("The History of Crystal Methamphetamine - Drug-Free World.") Then in the 1960s the increased availability of injectable methamphetamine caused another epidemic of abuse. ("The History of Crystal Methamphetamine - Drug-Free

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