
Crummy First Drafts Summary

Decent Essays

This excerpt is from Lamott’s book and is called “Crummy First Drafts,” the chapter explains the different workshops she’s given to aspiring writers. The excerpt itself uses examples from her own life experiences, but basically covers the importance of a final draft, and what it is like for her in her writing process. She explains how difficult it is for her to begin writing, even though it is what she does professionally, and the things that she does to help her focus. Being that this was written by a professional, published author, it shows that everyone questions themselves in writing sometimes and it doesn’t make you a bad writer if it does happen. Some things that I do wonder after reading this piece is how many other writers may do this same thing, or how many writers continue to try and perfect it all from the beginning. I really enjoyed reading this piece, the way that Lamott wrote it and her way of describing things really caught my attention. How she says she questions herself reminds me of the way that I do the same thing when I write, hearing that a professional does it as well really makes me realize writing doesn’t come easy to even the best. The way that …show more content…

Your first draft shouldn’t have to be perfect, because when you read over it, it allows you to fix what’s wrong and add things to make the writing better. Trying to perfect something before there’s even anything to be wrong with it doesn’t really seem to make sense, does it? When Lamott says “…I’d sit down, go through it all with a colored pen, take out everything I possibly could, find a new lead somewhere on the second page, figure out a kicky place to end it, and then write a second draft. It always turned out fine, sometimes even funny and weird and helpful,” It just further proves my point, that the first draft is a practice run for the final

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