
Critique Of Research Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

The author maintains that observational centered method of studying is not accurate, rather interview centered method bears more accurate result of study. The argument, stated in a dubious way, fails to mentions some key factors and reveals some instances of poor reasoning, on the basis of which it could be evaluated. However, in order to fully evaluate this we need to have significant amount of additional evidences. The argument is much weaker than it seems. First of all, Dr. Karp’s assumption is based on 20 years ago study which might not be true in the present situation. Over the passage of time, surrounding of the village might have changed significantly. For example, some westerners had settled on that village and might have influenced them to change their common trend. Hence, it would certainly weakened Dr. Karp’s assumption. In this case his study could have been correct but his assumptions on the view of Dr. Fields method would be seriously weakened. Another piece of evidence …show more content…

For example W why did they say about their parent? Additionally, we also don’t about the responses of the children for that questions. It would completely undermine Dr Kelps argument if it turned out that the children said how much they miss their parents or how their parents left them for in communal environment. Therefore, its impossible to conclude without knowing their true response to the questions. So without convincing answers, the reader is left with the impressions that the claims made by the author are more of a wishful thinking rather than substantive evidence. Clearly, from above discussion, we can conclude that we need more evidence about surrounding of the village as well as the type of questionnaires asked during the interview or else the author’s argument can’t be granted as correct

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