
Creative Writing: Roy's Tragic Hero

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Eyes full of malice and contempt, but his lips were upturned as if he was elated at the reaction he caused Roy to have. His uncle rubbed his knuckles, popping each finger individually, before letting his hand drift down to Roy's leg. He clamped his large hands around Roy's ankles, digging his fingernails into his flesh, before, with one swift pull, bringing him onto beige carpet below him. Roy tried to grip at the blankets, but only succeeded in dragging down the blanket with him. Becoming coiled into the cloth, he fell down on the floor on his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Roy opened his mouth in attempt to bring oxygen into his system after it was knocked out from his own mistake, allowing him to noticed he had bit his tongue …show more content…

Roy just couldn't understand how someone could consider having the power to kill someone or something effortlessly as amazing or spectacular. It was disgusting to Roy, he constantly felt tainted whenever he used the powers he had. Like the feeling before a much needed shower, Roy could only think of the powers in dismay. Roy figured this must be some kind of curse for being born as monstrous as he was. Roy killed his mother. That's how his dad phrased it when he was younger anyway. She died in labor, trying so many perilous hours trying to give birth to him. When he was seven, Roy's father, in his beer induced ramblings, would talk to him in precise detail how so badly his mother had wanted a baby. Before Roy could be shown to his mother, his father saw her grayish blue eye's lose their light as she fell back into the pillow. As morbid as it was, Roy enjoyed it because it was the only time his father bothered to tell Roy of the mother he never got to …show more content…

Only when he knocked his foot against the night stand did he recognize that it was much later and his dad, most likely, had left an hour or so ago. Now, he was left with the she demon. But, damn, he was hungry. Skipping lunch was not the best decision he made. He was lucky that his aunt didn't count the food in the pantry. Roy could get what he wanted and cleverly shoved it into the second drawer in the dresser underneath his underwear where his aunt didn't bother to snoop. She checked everywhere else, to Roy's dismay. If she caught it, it was just food so all she could say was that he was stealing which didn't really bother him. Desperate times, desperate measures. Throwing his torso forward, he felt the the floor cushion his tennis shoes. Preparing himself to get up, Roy stretched out his limbs, his body cramped from laying in a similar position too long doing absolutely nothing, but fishing into the deepest crevasses of his minds. Letting himself enjoy the solitude for a second more, then decided that he had to go down there eventually and allowed himself to get up, heading to the

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